.: ~ Option Two: The Same Pains ~ :.

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.: ~ Shinsou's POV ~ :.

Dadzawa was the first one to recover from the shock and I followed suit. "What is this?" "I- can explain!" I exclaim before I can stop myself from speaking "Well?" Mama Mic asked walking into the room, brushing past Dadzawa. He pushed my chair to the side turning me to face them without having to turn before going back to Dadzawa "Well- um...." my words were faltering and tripping over one another as I attempted to come up with a believable lie. I finally break down "He just Can't be dead!" I say, almost wailing, It hurt so much. "I wasn't supposed to make friends let alone fall for someone!" I continue and Dadzawa walks closer almost collapsing before he got to me and hugged my waist "We both know it doesn't work like that" Mama Mic joined the hug, I was calming down when I hear something that sounds like a muffled sob. I look at both Mama Mic and Dadzawa, the sight surprises me, Dadzawa himself had tears running down his cheeks, it wasn't a lot but it was enough to make me worry. I crouch down and hug both my guardians tighter. "Please don't cry, You'll make Shinsou feel worse kitten" The names the couple had for each other barely ever made sense to me but Mama Mic wasn't wrong. I feel Aizawa hug tighter as if struggling then his grip relaxes. He lets go of me and stands up walking to the doorway, his face was so suddenly emotionless it was terrifying. Mama Mic didn't even try and say anything simply hugging me and rocking slightly, I relax. I look at Dadzawa he's staring at the bed covers, I had a feeling I knew how he felt. Mama Mic let go as I got up and went to Dadzawa, He watches as I begin to talk to his husband and my dad. "Why did you cry" Silence, I continue "You know I don't see why, was it my pain, or just a similarity to something that happened to you or-" I get cut off

"I was there. I was the one who found him. Shinsou. I saw My own student's body, one that I failed to protect!" His voice was raw with pain. I stop, I hadn't expected that.

"What do you mean? Found him"

"Shinsou, Kaminari's funeral is tomorrow. I found his body." 

My eyes instantly water beyond being able to see "Aizawa!" I hear Mic scold. I race out of the room. I don't care that it's my room I just have to get out of there. I couldn't take it, Dadzawa... had found him...? Dead...? I ran out the door and didn't stop until I was positive that They wouldn't catch up. I saw a corner store that was still open and went in, the cashier greeted me but I just walked to the back. 

After the sun was rising I went back to my room, Mic and Aizawa stayed silent. I locked the door. 

A/N Yes, I know also short, but the chapter following these comes a bit later than these do. Also, the next one shouldn't be as sad. Your Author is working hard! Hope your enjoying! (Word Count: 542)

.: ~ Petals Dipped in Crimson ~ :. (On Hold/ Being Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now