Chapter 41 - Jealousy

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Everything went well today until Jade and Priscilla appeared in the Studio, trying to show me and the others that they know everything so much better than any other teacher.

We're getting ready for a new tour. Vilu and her friends will be going with some new students and we were working on some songs when Jade came and making an unnecessary show here, showing us that she knows better.

----- TIME SKIP -----

As now both Jade and Priscilla was singing I couldn't help, but sigh very deeply and both heard it just as Gregorio and the others that were around me.

- Do you have anything better, Annie?! - snapped Jade.

- My name's still Angie and I might have something better - I replied shortly as I started the music and began to sing and everyone around me grew dead quiet.

When I finished the students were clapping happily, but Jade and Priscilla weren't impressed.

Just as Pablo was about to say something Priscilla started a different music, stood in front of me and started singing...

Si es por amor doy todo lo que soy

- You want a battle? Fine, you'll get it! - I thought to myself as I joined in.

Si es por amor todo será verdadero

Esta es mi vida y no la quiero cambiar

Al fin encontré mi lugar

Pero sueño un amor sincero

Alguien que me pueda amar

She doesn't seem to like that I'm into this so she began to play around more...

Yo me conozco y siempre encuentro la manera

No importa cuando y donde sea

En mi juego está claro el reglamento

Cuanto lo siento

Then we sang together:

Yo tengo un plan siempre

Que te envuelve dulcemente

Yo tengo sólo amor para dar

Pero si es por amor todo será verdadero

Si es por amor doy todo lo que soy

Mi corazón es todo lo que yo tengo

Gané y perdí, nunca me rendí

Porque soy así

----- MEANWHILE -----

German's POV:

I was on my way to the Studio when once again the count caught me on the way, but as the time passed we became friends so I wasn't mad, or anything. He treats Angie right so he's my friend, This is all I can say.

Anyway... When we were at the Studio I suddenly heard a familiar voice singing...

Si me enamoro estarás siempre en mi camino

Bloqueando mi destino

Somos de mundos demasiados diferentes

Es tan evidente

- Priscilla? - I mumbled, surprised.

Then we heard the other voice...

Yo sólo busco ser feliz con quien me cuide

Que me proteja y no me olvide

Y que me ayude a encontrar lo que yo soñé

Mi felicidad!

- And is that Angie? - gasped the count and we went inside where we saw ANgie and Priscilla singing, but for some reason they both seemed... frustrated... Or I don't know how to describe it though.

Yo tengo un plan siempre

Que te envuelve dulcemente

Yo tengo sólo amor para dar

Pero si es por amor todo será verdadero

Si es por amor doy todo lo que soy

Mi corazón es todo lo que yo tengo

Gane y perdí, nunca me rendí

Porque soy así

As the finished we all clapped. They were looking at eavh other until they realized everyone's around them so they turned to us and both smiled awkwardly.

- This was amazing, Angie! - said the count as he went up to kiss her.

- Come on! - Priscilla snapped - I was so much better!

- In your dreams, Priscilla - hissed Jade - I'm the best!

- I vote for you... all the way, beautiful - said the count and Angie giggled.

- Thank you, handsome - she said as she kissed his nose which made me really jealous.

Angie's POV:

Priscilla was hugging German while trying to prove that she's right and she was better when I was obviously so much better!

And while I hugged onto Edmond I suddenly saw German was winking at me while he was saying to Priscilla that she was better. He seemed like he thinks I was better... I'm not sure though, but his wink made me blush.

I don't know what's up with that though, but oh well... I'm too tired to try to even understand him now...

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