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This a short chapter for me but it's the least I can do since I didn't update yesterday.

I dread days like this because of one word, tardy. Tardy according to every search engine I know means extremely late. I'm sure everyone in the world knows that except Mrs. O'Neil. She can give a student detention for being one minute late to her class. She teaches Art which is a subject I have grown to love. She is a great teacher but she can get really annoying at times. "Miss Monet, you're tardy", Mrs. O Neil said to me as I walked into class. "I was right behind you ma'am, I couldn't have been LATE". I said emphasizing on the word 'late' to prove that we were in the 21st century. "You're five seconds tardy and if you keep up this argument, I would have no choice but to give you detention". She said, folding her arms. "Well, if I'm late, that makes you late. Besides, science proves that nothing really happens with human movements in five seconds or less and if I was five seconds behind you, which proves that I am not late. We all know that science doesn't lie". I replied, trying to sound smart. She threatened to give me detention if I didn't walk to my seat.

A girl asked me if all the things I said were true as soon as I sat down. "It's not true. I just wanted to get Mrs. O'Tardy out of my hair". I answered laughing. Art classes are the best for juniors. It was fun and it required little notes but the downside was the unending assignments. Mrs. O'Neil announced that there would be an art exhibition next Saturday. Half of the money earned that day would be donated to assisting the school charity event that would be held next month. I cant wait to start my plans for my art work. I plan to go to college after high school to study art and have an Art gallery someday (if my parents agree).

After my classes, I caught up with Fern. "I was thinking that you could join ballet with me since you always end up waiting for me after school because you haven't joined any club or class", Fern said suddenly, "it'll be really fun and our ballet outfit is pink". "It's a tempting offer but I have my eyes on something else". I said smiling, "if I tell you, you have to promise to not start being judgy". "I promise, Jane". Fern said with on hand on her chest. "I want to join the Judo class. It seems like it would be a lot of fun".

"Judo? Why? I mean everyone sees it as a guys thing".

"I would play football if people wouldn't get judgy but I think Judo is my style".

"Anything you decide to do if fine with me but why do you look sad about it?"

"Thanks but I tried to get in but all the guys think I'm just some girl". I said smiling weakly. I want to use the class as a form of training. I don't want to start getting lazy just because I'm not in Viella anymore. Fern talked to me about going for my passion. I decided to try something out.

I ran to the studio for all martial arts classes and I looked for a helmet. I found one behind the uniform lockers. "Who's the loser in the helmet?" a guy asked as the boys walked in. "How about you come closer and find out?" I said, getting into combat position. The guy in the middle pointed at another guy and then at me. The other one came closer like he was going to beat me up. I had him on the floor before we I knew it. "I thought this was Judo, not weakdo". I said confidently. Two more boys ran to me but I had them both on the floor in a few seconds. The rest rushed at me but I beat them all. For boys that take Judo classes, I expected them to be more of a challenge than they were.

I walked to the guy that was giving the orders. "Good match but next time try to stay on your feet", I said, pulling him up, "I think I won my way to the team, right?" I removed the helmet, "I'm Jane by the way, Jane Monet". I said smiling. "I'm Rico Mart and where did you learn how to fight like that?" Rico said with his eyes widen in surprise. "That would be telling. Is there a coach or sensei somewhere?" I said looking around. "He comes around three times a week and sometimes on Saturday", Rico answered me.

Rico introduced the other guys to me. "What do you guys do for fun?" I asked looking at the guys. "We practice. We play games and..." he started but Tim Stone interrupted, "we crack jokes about girls!" "That's gross! But I'm here now so no more jokes about girls". I said in a commanding voice.

We had a rematch because all the guys felt like they were caught off guard. "Seriously guys!" I said frustrated, "it's not fun if you guys always end up on your butts". "How do you keep beating us?" Flynn Warde asked in pain. "It's not my fault that you guys are lazy asses" I said helping some of them up, "let's train now". "I think the guys and I have suffered enough beating from you today", Rico said smiling, "let's hang out some time at the pizza shack, Eats a Pizza. "I'm free anytime". I said walking away, "bye guys!"

I told Fern the good news and we went home. After diner, I dropped on my bed, tired. My phone rang but I ignored it. It rang again and again. I grabbed the phone out of anger and I shouted, "What?!" "That's not a nice way to answer a friend", the voice was icy, "I've missed you Crowns". The voice was not too familiar but it sent a chill down my spine. "Who are you?" I managed to ask. "Why don't you try and find out?" The person replied. "I don't have time for games. Tell me what you want and I am off limits", I said with a bit of confidence, "if it is money you want, I can make an arrangement". "I don't want money. I want the throne of Viella and I want it by having you to myself". The voice said again, "if I don't get what I want in the next 48 hours, you can kiss your parents goodbye". The caller hung up.

I can't let this person threaten my family. I hate the person already but there was something about that voice I can't put my finger on it. I connected my phone to my Corte tablet. I traced the phone call to the location where it was made. It was a familiar place but why call now? Why would this person want me? Why would he make the location of the call easy to trace?

These are some of the reasons why I hate the other part of my life. There are too many unanswered questions. This other part of my life gives warning and it gives threats. I have 48 hours to get this settled or else I don't want to think of the or else now. I had my bath and I tried my best to fall asleep. No threat is going to prevent me from having my beauty sleep.

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