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"If you lay a finger on her, I swear I..." I continued talking but she hung up after an evil laugh. Fern and I have not spoken for a week and some days now but today she totally disappeared. I searched for her but I couldn't find her. We're not on good terms but that doesn't mean that I stopped caring. I was on the phone with the leader of Corte Waze and she said that she has something of mine. I need to go alone and unarmed if I want the person back. Fern must have left the palace and the agents of Corte Waze kidnapped her to get back at me. They killed Zayn and I killed their agent. It is a fair equation to me but Corte Waze doesn't think so.

I geared with guns and pocket knives everywhere possible. I wore the usual leather and boot heels. This holiday is about to go up in the excitement level 'cause I'm not going to walk in and out of the Corte that ruined the best relationship ever without a fight and I am ready to bring the fight home.

~ * ~

"Where is she?!" I demanded as I entered into the central room of Corte Waze. "I have heard of your arrogance but I didn't think I'd be so honored to see it", a voice from the middle says laughing, "it's a pleasure meeting you". "Quit the talking, grandma. Where is she?" I walked closer to where the voice was coming from. The figure finally became visible. A young lady looked at me. She packs her hair in a ponytail which is thick, black and long. "I don't have any she of yours but I have a he". She said smiling. Apparently, she was sitting on a large throne. "I didn't come for jokes! Where is Fern?" I said, folding my arms. "If you speak of FE-302, Ferninda, she works directly under me". Fern was shaking at the side of the throne.

My mind was completely blown away. "What?!" I shouted, "You belong to the Corte? You belong to this Corte? This is the Corte that took Zayn away!" "I'm sorry about Zayn. I didn't know that he was going to get hit". She said in her defense. "But you knew that they were coming for me?" I asked realizing the obvious, "I remember the guy I killed said that an agent FE-302 was delaying the mission. Your mission was to kill me?" There was no answer. I looked at Fern in utter disbelief, "is that how things are run here? Is it Corte before anything?" I was so disappointed I didn't know what to say, "you wanted to kill me then why did you bother becoming my best friend?" She had no answer still.

"Sorry to break up this little reunion but I don't think I've introduced myself". The leader said, breaking the silence. "I know who you are. You are Arianne Santiago. You have been leader of Corte Waze for over five years now". I said. "Looks like someone did their homework", she smiled evilly, "but you forgot to mention that I am the future queen of Viella". "All hail the goddess!" a voice shouted as everyone (except me) bowed down.

Three men pushed a tied up Veins to the ground. His face looked like one that had taken a real beating. "Veins!" I screamed as I rushed to his side, "what did you do to him?" "He got what he deserved for snooping around", Arianne said, "I am willing to hand him over if you tell me where the national treasures have been hidden". "That can never happen and how are you sure that I know where the treasures are hidden?" I replied, standing up to face her. "Let's just say a little birdie told me that you know the secrets of the royals because you work for them".

"That might be true but I would never tell you. How about I fight two of your agents and if I win, you will let Veins go".

"And if you lose, I get to keep the both of you. As my prisoner, I can get you talking".

"I won't lose".

"If I were you, I won't count my victory before the fight". She pointed at two men. I removed my leather jacket, revealing my black tank top. "You don't have to do this, Crowns", Veins struggled to say, "You have to get out of here. You'll get hurt and combat isn't your brightest". "Don't talk to me like I'm a little girl", I shot back, "and save your strength. You will need it when we want to get out of here". "Just be careful. I don't want you to get hurt because of me". He finally said. I nodded and I walked to the center.

The two men were bigger than me. I handled ten of them with a gun, how hard could two be? According to what I've learnt, if you throw the first punch you have the greater advantage. I threw the first punch but it wasn't helpful. One of them yanks me off the floor but I kicked myself free. I tried a swerve but my legs were not long enough to reach any of their faces. I tried and tried but I was all over the place. The tall one head butts me and I collide with the ground. Veins touched my face, "you can do this", he said smiling, "I believe in you and Viella is counting on you".

Those were the words I need to hear. I was weak from the beating I had received but I felt good because I knew that someone had my back. I broke the knee of the first one and I quickly snapped his neck. The tall guy was smarter and he dodged all my moves but he got unlucky and he fell down. I faced Arianne after I won. She smiled and before I knew what was going on, something hit my head.

I woke up in a cell. Veins was pacing around, "we were double crossed!" he seemed very angry, "why didn't you just go?" I was confused but I stood up, "you needed my help and I can't leave a partner behind", I said in my defense, "Why are you angry?" "If you had gone, you would not be here".

"What were you expecting me to do?!"

"I walked away when it was my turn".

"That's the difference between us. I can't turn my back on the ones I care about".

"Are you happy now? Look at where your care has gotten you, a place in a cell".

"I don't still get why you're angry!"

"I'm mad because I don't want to lose you!" He blurted out. From the look on his face, he just spilled a secret. He turned his back on me, "just forget what I said". He moved to the other end, "we need to focus on getting out of here".

I pulled him back, "I won't forget it"; I said sternly, "for how long did you think you could hide it from me?" "I said forget it!" He didn't even look at my face. "You lied to me, didn't you?" I asked. "I had to lie. I didn't want you to get distracted and it is better this way". "It is not better! We could have been something", I didn't want to continue again, "help me pull this rod out". We both pulled the rod but we ended up on the floor. I was on top of Veins, "I wanted to tell you but you already got a new guy". He said slowly, "you two looked happy together". I couldn't stop myself from having this feeling. I have always had a soft spot for Veins and it's about time I moved on too. I allowed Veins to close the space between us. His lip felt good against mine and he didn't have bad breath.

I can't believe Veins and I just made out but it felt good. I used my hair pin to pick the lock of the cell. I gave Veins a gun (you don't want to know where I put it). I removed two knives from the sole of my boot heels. We fought our way out of the underground place. We entered a room that had no visible door. Veins had a crazy plan for us to get out through the window on the roof. Veins boosted me and I grabbed the rope of the chandelier. I cut the rope and it took me to the window at the top. I tied my end of the rope to a brick on the roof.

Veins was supposed to get on the chandelier but some agents attacked. He fought some of them and he got on the chandelier. I threw the brick to the ground and it pulled Veins up. I helped him to his feet. We both jumped down from the roof. I snatched a gun from an agent and I started shooting. The agents were coming in fast but Veins knew a way out. I ran to the fence Veins showed me. "Crowns!" Veins shouted. I looked back but I bent backwards immediately to dodge the bullet. I shot the person back even if I realized late that it was Fern.

Veins pulled me off the fence. I was stunned that Fern actually tried to kill me but this time it was directly. We walked from that passage to the main entrance. I whistled and Mantle came out of his hiding place. "Don't look so surprised", I climbed on Mantle, "you didn't think I walked here, did you?" "I'm just shocked that he waited for you". Veins said as he climbed on, "most horses are good at ditching people". "Well Mantle is not most horses, he gets me". I replied as Mantle started running. We got really lucky today. I can't process everything that happened today but I know that this is just a hint of what the war that's coming is going to be like. The war is coming and it's going to be big.

Shocking chapter, right?

What do you think of Fern? And how much do you like the new romance story?

This is just the beginning and don't blame me for being an evil author!

I love you guys so much for reading this.


Jojo Quinn

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