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"I'll be back by 8. I don't want to spend too much time there", I said to Aunt Jelo as I dressed for the party, "don't forget that the party is on Park Avenue Street in case mother calls and she wants to know the details". I honestly think that it's weird to have a party at Park Avenue but that's what Wendy sent to me or at least I think she sent to me. I took my motorbike to the location. For a place that is supposed to be hosting students, it seemed pretty dead. I entered the building but it looked like no one had stayed there in years. I was very confused. Why would Wendy send me the wrong address? The doors slammed shut and the lights suddenly came on. It is a trap, a really big trap.

Several agents surrounded me with pistols. I pulled out two knives from the sole of my boot heels. "I was coming for a party", I set myself into combat mode, "so let's dance". They all attacked me at once. They had this all planned out. I stabbed two who tried to pin me down. I left one knife in the third one's body. The fourth agent was smarter. He kicked the other knife out of my hand. I tried taking them on with my fist but they were too much for me.

They tied me to a chair and they kept me in the basement. "Who are you?" I groaned, "Which Corte sent you?" "Corte Waze". "Corte Lil". Two agents said but they looked at themselves and they said, "Corte Waze". Something is wrong. Two Cortes have never worked together to capture an agent. I tried to free my hand but these ropes have been tied tight. Suddenly, something hit me across my face. The room was dark so I didn't know who the person was. "Come out of the shadows, you coward". I shouted. "That would have really hurt my pride", the voice chuckled, "if I didn't know better". That voice sounds very familiar. I don't know why but it rings a bell.

Some agents ran to the mysterious voice, "there's a drill". One said panting, "we panicked and shot down two girls at the house", the agent continued, "and the cops were following us". I could hear distant shooting sounds. The gun shots grew louder and closer. The door slammed open, "hello, there boys", the figure said, "Get down, Jane!" I pushed the chair and I fall sideways. The machine gun went all around but no one would tell if all the men were down. "Are you alright, Princess?" The person said running to me. It was Aunt Jelo. I did not expect that at all. "I'm fine, Aunt Jelo", I said hugging her, "we have to get out of here and you owe me an explanation".

More agents appeared as we ran out of the basement. I snatched a gun from one of them. "Don't mind if I do". I said, shoving my elbow into his face. "Great moves. I guess we both owe each other explanations". Aunt Jelo shot more agents out the way. We fought and fought till we got out the house. Aunt Jelo showed me her car and I hopped in. My motorbike is automatic so I don't have to ride on it. I can easily press the key and it would meet us at home. "We're safe", I took a huge breath, "and now I want that explanation".

She sighed, "I work for Corte B.T. I came undercover to the palace as an assistant to protect it. Your mother caught me but she put me directly under her to cover my tracks", she removed the gloves, "did you think that your mother would trust you in another continent with a regular assistant?" "Well, yes. Mom doesn't seem like the assassin-protecting-my-daughter kind of person". I said smiling. "She sent me to make sure that you were safe in case someone tried to harm you but it looks like you never needed the protection", she continued talking, "only a trained agent could have survived that ambush and there's no luck".

"I take Judo classes". I don't want her to find out about the Corte thing.

"I didn't know that they taught how to use guns in the present Judo classes?" She was being sarcastic.

"Okay, fine. You caught me but I don't want you to mention this to Mom". There was no pointing lying any more. "She's going to flip out and start her safety talk. She might even lock me up in my room forever". I said. "So which Corte?" Aunt Jelo asked. "It's the same as yours". I replied, not looking at her face, "Corte name is A-27 and my code name is Crowns". She had a surprised look on her face but she said, "so you're the famous Crowns", she smiled, "B.T talks highly of you and your partner". I didn't say anything but I was proud of myself.

To my surprise, I met Wendy waiting in the house for me. "What's up, Wendy?" I asked, walking closer to her, "and why did you send me the wrong address?" "I didn't send you an address. I lost my phone at school". Her eyes were watery, "Barbie and Becky were attacked today". "Are they hurt? Are they in the hospital?" I asked, worried. Wendy didn't answer me but she looked at me in a strange way. "It can't be possible, they are not...I don't believe this". I said, trying to avoid the truth. Wendy confirmed my fear as she said, "they are dead! They were shot down!" She couldn't hold herself. The tears poured out of her eyes.

Someone sent me the wrong address using Wendy's phone to get me out of the way totally. I ran to my room to confirm something. I opened the drawer that I kept the nuclear weapon. It was gone. "They stole it", I said to Wendy, "they stole my laptop. I have so much information on it". "That's it. I'm calling my Dad". She said as she borrowed my phone. She walked out of the room, "they stole the nuclear weapon B.T told me to steal", I told Aunt Jelo, "and the Corte that has it now is ready for war".

We walked downstairs sat on the couches to wait. Wendy's Dad and the cops arrived later. They asked me a few questions regarding the issue. "So you're saying that you were lured out of this place so that someone could come here and steal your laptop that has top secret information?" The Police Chief asked. "Yes, that is correct". I answered. "Is there anything else we should know about?" He asked again.

I thought about everything that has happened from Zayn's death to Barbie and Becky's death. I thought about my kidnap. I thought about the nuclear weapon and the war that is coming; the war that can put an end to my father's rule in Viella. I shook my head and I replied, "Nothing else has happened".

Are you going to miss the Snow sisters? I will

The mystery in this story is reaching the peak.

If you want to find out everything, continue reading!


Jojo Quinn

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