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I have never felt so angry in my entire life. Zayn's a jerk! I yelled and yelled until my throat started running dry. Aunt Jelo rushed into my room, "are you alright?! Your mother overheard you screaming and she is worried", Aunt Jelo said breathlessly, "I'm always here if you want to talk". "It's nothing really", I said sitting on my bed. Aunt Jelo grabbed a chair, "you said I acted like an aunt to you so I'm here for you", she said as sat down, "I'll be ready to listen to you". I didn't want to tell her but I felt like she could see through me. "Boy trouble?" she asked as I was still thinking. I was shocked but I nodded my head.

I took in deep breaths. "It's not like there's anything special about this guy", I started, "but we not on good terms. He's mad at me cause I didn't reply some of his texts but I had a perfectly good explanation for it". "It sounds like you really care about him". Aunt Jelo said smiling. I didn't look at her face but she held my hands, "I know what it's like to have a crush on someone. You might think that he's being selfish about this whole thing but he's just mad 'cause he really likes you". Was she reading my mind? I asked myself. "You want to be friends with him, right? You have to keep trying", she continued talking softly, "he'll come around soon".

I hugged her after this and I decided to take her advice. I grabbed my jacket and I ran downstairs. Immediately I opened the door, Zayn was about to ring the doorbell. "I'm sorry!" We both said at the same time. He apologized for being an idiot and I apologized for yelling at him in front of his teammates. He insisted on driving me to Eats a Pizza even though I protested several times. I agreed and he walked me to the car. His car is blue and it is a BMW 11 Convertible.

The car was fast and it was sleek. I'm not used to riding with a guy alone. I didn't know if I was supposed to say something or stay quiet. "You're too quiet". He stated. "Just thinking. Are there any cinemas around?" I asked, "I want to confirm some things that Fern told me. Do not ask me what those things are". "I won't ask you anything. But there are a few around here". He replied. My phone chirped almost immediately.

Fern: Where are you?

Me: I'm going to the pizza shack.

Fern: Still mad at Zayn?

Me: He's the one driving.

This is somehow crazy and this will only encourage Fern to start her match making quest.

Fern: So you guys made up?

Me: Don't start the talk.

Fern: Zayn and Jane are on a tree, hand in hand and they kiss.

I couldn't help exclaiming. Zayn grabbed my phone, "No texting in the car!" he looks at the phone and his face goes a bit red. He gave the phone to me and it went silent again. We didn't talk to each other till we reach the pizza shack. The guys called my name when I got there. They were on the table at the back. Turns out, they were gossiping about girls again. We talked for a long time about Judo and some other fun stuff.

They told me a lot about the Judo tournaments that they had entered. The sad part is that they have never won a trophy from all the tournaments. I gave them a little pep talk but I couldn't talk long because the alarm I set for diner went off. Zayn and I walked back into the car and we drove off. My phone vibrated in my hand. I knew it was Fern so I just ignored it. "Can you forget what you read in the text? Fern was just messing around", I finally found the courage to say it, "and she didn't mean what she said". "Have you ever thought about it? About the both of us as a couple?" he asked me. I was stunned by his question but I answered him, "Yes...No...Erm...I can't answer you". I tried to avoid looking at his face.

He dropped me and I thanked him. I had diner and I rushed upstairs. "I've been waiting for you. How was it?" Fern said from her window side. "The Judo guys and I talked. Zayn and I also talked but it was nothing interesting". I said sitting on the mini bed by the window. "You are so boring! Zayn is a great guy".

"I know that, Fern".

"Then what are you waiting for?"

"Nothing! I mean, he has to ask me first and if he does, I might go out with him".

"He wants to ask you out but you seem uninterested. What are you so afraid of?"

That question had so many answers. I'm afraid of going on a mission and not coming back. I'm afraid of dragging the lives of my friends into my world. I'm afraid of going back to Viella and not seeing them again. I'm afraid of loving Zayn knowing that I could put his life at risk. "I'm not afraid of anything", I answered Fern, "I just need time and more sleep. Goodnight, Fern". She said goodnight too and I jumped to my bed. I can't think about Zayn right now. I have a mission to complete.

~ * ~

I'm in the elevator leading to Tenza's office. "Good evening, lady". The man delivering his wine said entering the elevator. "My eyes! It hurts!" I started shouting. He drops his wine and he runs to my aid. He points a finger light in my face but I punched him. I choked him and I hurried with phase two of my plan.

The elevator door opens and I am in the server's suit. The two men in front of Tenzas door searched me before they let me in. "Good evening, Mr. Koller. Your drink is here". I said as I dropped it on the desk. The guard inside was staring at me suspiciously but Tenza told him to leave the room. Tenza is scarier in person and the scar on his left cheek leaves a strange shiver when he looks at me.

He told me that the drink was a secret between him and the server's boss. I poured him a drink and I congratulated him on his win. "It was nothing", he laughed as he drank, "and everyone thought I was going to fail the game but you always have to struggle. If you want to grow up and win like me, you have to ask your boss for some skills. Tell him I said thank you and this is a splendid..." he started coughing. He is currently bleeding from his mouth and nose. "That's what Nexzin poison does to people", I smiled, going back to my normal voice, "I wish I could watch you bleed to death but I have to get ready for the masquerade." He falls down on the floor, "Eres una estúpida Vida Baja quede vergüenza al nombre llamando Viella"; I said as I walked to the window, "no one can mess with the throne of Viella". I tied the rope to the metal that holds the window and I jumped down. I cut the rope and I hopped on my bike. I put my helmet on and I drove away.

It would have been a total waste of my time if I had killed Tenza's goons. This is the easiest mission I've been on so far. I packed my motorbike in the garage and I ran up quietly to my room. I locked the windows and the doors and I opened my tablet. I called B.T and I told him that the mission was successful. B.T was angry at me because I didn't kill Tenza with a headshot. "I wore gloves and I'm not a child. I disobeyed orders for the first time and you're yelling like I killed someone even if I did kill someone!" I shouted too. "I gave you precise orders. I'm not angry about the means you used but you flaunted orders. I'm going to step you down for the next mission". B.T said sternly. "Step me down for all the missions because I'm turning these things off". I said as I shut all my mission gadgets down.

I did kill Tenza Koller and a wine server. B.T was just being unnecessarily angry. At least, I'll get that break I've always wanted. For the next month or weeks, I don't want to bother about Viella. I don't want to be reminded that I'll be queen someday. I don't want to remember that I'm an assassin. With these thoughts, I drift off to sleep.

Did you guys get my surprise? Jane finally spoke Spanish!

Keep reading I love you guys!


Jojo Quinn

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