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I was really frustrated now. The mysterious caller wont stop pestering my life. "Can you please leave my life alone?!" I shouted angrily, "I don't know you and honestly, I hate you already". "I am hurt. And you know me. Come to the address I will be sending to you and don't think of anything funny", Mystery caller said. "At least tell me your name, W.T.H!" I said again. "I'll be expecting you this night, Antonia". Mystery caller hung up. The name sounded familiar. I opened my tablet and I checked the list of identities I had used for missions. I saw Antonia Manuel under a mission I did two years ago. The mission was to kill Yandez Ontari in a gamble house on South Loope.

I killed Yandez and his goons. It's impossible for any of them to be alive more or less threatening me. "Search for the resident of the mansion on 1324 Haney Road". I said to my tablet. A profile displayed on the screen. I was too stunned to say anything. I started preparing for my meeting this night. I'm going to correct a mistake I should have corrected two years ago.

~ * ~

"Leave me alone!" I shouted struggling as three men held me, leading to a room. They threw me on the floor in the room. I stood up and I dusted myself. The man on the chair behind the table stared at me, "don't just stand there looking sexy", he said smiling, "have a seat". I pulled a chair and I sat down, "you're a real bastard!" I frowned angrily, "don't think that I'm not going to finish the job I should have finished two years ago". "And yet you were caught by my boys tonight". He said, stroking his chin, "I think you've lost your spark". I threw a knife at the guard by the door. The knife stabbed him in the heart directly, "I don't think I've lost my spark", I faced him fully and I said, "I needed to get to you without stress. I gave myself to your boys without a fight".

The man in the chair is Pablo Riel. He is an agent under Corte Waze. He pretended to be on our side and B.T let him join the Corte. His mission for his Corte was to kill me. He followed me on my mission to kill Yandez and he tried to shoot me down but I stabbed him first. I thought he died but obviously he didn't and now he wants me. "Still switching sides? I guess I should have moved here years ago. You cons really hang around here". I said as I folded my arms and I crossed my legs, "I saw your chip on my tablet. I'm guessing you planted it when you were pretending to be on our side and after you pinned my location, you sent one of your boys to wire my phone the night I went out for a party". He started clapping, "you've always been the smart. I guess I don't have to explain how we got this far to you". He said, signaling to his goons.

I stood up from my seat. I let my guard down that night but I won't make the same mistake twice. I threw four smoke pellets on the ground. The smoke gave me the perfect chance to take them out one after the other. I shot Pablo Riel last and this time I will make sure that he stays dead. I threw three grenades into the house before I drove away on my motorcycle. This was a distraction and a form of work out. My real mission was in two days time and hopefully, nothing would get in my way.

Before I knew it, morning had come. School is stable for me now. Wendy keeps her distance, Zayn makes me laugh (even if I had not had time for him recently) and Fern is just the best. I wanted to keep a low profile but after my revenge on Wendy, I've become more popular than I expected. This morning was filled with its own surprise because Fern was giving me the silent treatment. "Fern, I have to ask. Why are you not talking to me?" I asked sitting beside her. She didn't turn her head to look at me at all. I tapped her and I even tried texting her but she didn't answer me. "If something's wrong between us I would appreciate it if we talked it out", I said slowly, "you're my best friend I would tell you anything".

She looked at me, "why did you sneak into your room last night?" She asked with a stern look, "your room was empty for hours. I wanted to go to bed but I decided to wait for you but you didn't sneak back in until one in the morning". Fern was spying on me and now she was close to finding out the truth. I can't expose myself just yet. "I wanted to watch a T.V show and Aunt Jelo doesn't approve of night television", I lied carefully, "I snuck back in because I thought I heard footsteps from the kitchen". Fern folded her arm and said, "That doesn't explain you changing your clothes by one in the morning". "I didn't change into my pajamas until after the movie marathon", I adjusted in my seat, "and we're best friends. I would never keep any top secret from you". The tension in her eyes broke down. She smiled at me warmly, "if you want to try something like that, at least invite me for a sleep over", she said as we hugged, "you got me scared for a while but I'm glad we're completely over it".

We got to school as usual. "I'm going shopping this Wednesday for the masquerade, wanna come?" Fern said as we walked to Algebra together. "I don't go shopping mostly because I don't know how to shop but Aunt Jelo said she has something planned for me". I replied as we entered into class.

We didn't have time to talk again for the rest of the day. The sensei of Judo came and he said he is impressed with my fighting skills. I like him even if he said I needed to learn the skills in Judo and he called my fighting moves 'rebellious'. I went to search for Fern after my class. We both planned to watch the guys practice for their next game. I mistakenly bumped into someone, "I'm so sorry. I said picking up the person's notebook, I am so sorry". "Hey Jane!" Zayn said collecting his book, "I didn't think I would run into you because you seem to be running away from me". "I've been really busy lately. I joined the Judo class and it takes a lot from me", I tried smiling, "I'm sorry for not having time for you". "I need to know if I did anything wrong. You don't answer my calls or texts and I know you have your phone with you every time". He pointed out. "I said I was sorry", I pulled out my phone, "if you want, I can reply all your texts now". "How about we complete this discussion at Eats a Pizza today?

"I'm sorry but the guys from Judo want us to talk some things out. But I'm free tomorrow". I said honestly. "I see". He said in a low voice with his eyebrows raised. He wanted to walk away from me. I held his hand and I said, "I said I was sorry, Zayn". He shrugged, released his hand and he walked away without looking at me. Im not to feel bad but I felt terrible. I enjoy Zayns company but for some reason hes angry at me. I hate ignoring the people I care about but my secrets demand it.

I found Fern on the bleachers. "Hey!" she said smiling, "how was it? What did the sensei say about you?" I shrugged sadly, "he said I was a great fighter", I said looking at the guys on the field, "it went great but Zayn's mad at me". "So that's why he's been looking in this direction. I think he likes you and you like him back".

"I don't! But I have fun when I'm with him".

"Jane! You need to see how you look right now! You like Zayn if not love him".

"Whatever! Can you focus on how to get us talking again?"

"Erm I know how! Zayn loves the masquerade so just promise him a dance".

"If I promise him a dance, doesn't it flake the point of wearing masks?"

"You want Zayn to talk to you, right? Good! You have to take the chance".

The idea sounded impossible but I had to take a chance. I went down when they were running round the field. Zayn stopped as soon as he saw me. I moved closer to him, "I know that you mad at me", I started slowly, I totally understand if you dont want to see me right now". "That's a fact. What do you want?" he said coldly. "I don't know you that well but a little birdie told me that you loved the masquerade and I was wondering if you will consider talking to me, if I promise you a dance at the masquerade". I said trying to smile. He looked confused and he said, "The point of the masquerade is to try and find your partner. You promising me a dance flakes that point". "I'm trying my best to settle this but you're not helping", I pointed out, "I guess Fern was wrong". "This was Fern's idea?!" he raised his voice, "I thought you were cool but I know better now!" "It's not like that! Youre not listening to me at..." He was walking away from me again. "Walk away if you want to!" My head snapped, "I'm trying to fix this but you don't really care! If you knew that you never going to be able to forgive me for one slip up, you should never have tried getting on my good side!"

I walked away angrily. I didn't go home with Fern. Zayn was being selfish and it was totally not fair. I ran into my room and I finally screamed out, "AH!!"

What do you guys think?

Is it getting interesting? What do you think about Zayn now?

Jane's life is about to get really interesting.

Thank you all so much for your votes and reads so far! I love you all!

Keep reading...chapter 6 has a little surprise for you!


Jojo Quinn

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