Part 13 - looking around and decorating

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After mine and Draco's fluffy moment he took my hand and pulled me towards a small room. "Look" he said pointing at the walls.

All the walls were full of bookshelves "a library" I asked and looked at him. "Yeah, I thought we could have one. Every time I'm in one it reminds me of the day I first saw you after all those years. You had been studying in the Hogwarts library." Draco said still holding my hand.

I smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I love it, and I love you" I said. "I love you too" he said smiling back at me.

He pulled me around the whole house and I already started imagining things. "What are you thinking about" Draco asked. He startled me back into reality from my thoughts.

"This will be a kids bedroom" I said smiling at him.


"We could have a bed over there by the window and a little bookshelf over there. Only with their favorite books. Then a toy chest over there and some cute curtains." Harry said pointing at all the places he was talking about.

I laughed a little at him, "what are you saying" I asked and he looked at me confused. "Are you saying that well be having babies" I asked. He laughed a little with me now.

"Well I mean yeah, I want kids someday" he said now getting very serious. I looked at him my face probably just as serious as his was.

"Good, I do too" I said and gave him a small smile and then we laughed.

I continued to show Harry around our home. It sounded weird but right to say 'our home'. It felt nice to say it. Like it was supposed to be real, because it was real. This was our home, mine and Harry's, Harry's and mine.

For me it was unbelievable to finally be sharing a home with my true love.

Soon we were in what would be our master bedroom it was huge but not too huge. "I love this" Harry said spinning around in circles. I laughed a bit at him and went to pull him to the windows.

We had huge windows that went from the floor to the ceiling. By the wall opposite the windows we had a king size mattress with just plain white bedsheets.

The walls and the curtains were just a plain white color and the floor just plain wood. We would have to change all of this tomorrow and I couldn't wait.

The next day

Me and Harry woke up early the next day and went into Hogsmeade to buy some paint and furniture.

When we got back it was already lunch so we decided to have our house elf Thistle make us lunch. We ate on the floor and thanked Thistle for the food.

When we were done eating we went to put the dining table together. We decided to use magic for it because let's face it. We had the choice to use magic and it was just a whole lot easier.

When we were done doing that we used magic to paint the walls and dry them instantly. We decorated by hanging up some pictures and putting some plants in there. With the dining table in the middle of the room everything came well together.

We had painted the walls a pretty tan color and the dining table was a beautiful wooden texture. The dining chairs were the same texture with a pretty Gryffindor red colored pillow.

Then we moved on to decorating the sitting room. We decided on the same tan color in there as in the dining room. And used our magic once again to paint the walls and dry the paint.

After we painted we put the sofa in front of the fireplace. The sofa was a beautiful Slytherin green and with gold stripes on it.

We put a small table in front of it and a stack of wizarding magazines on it. The table had the same wood texture as the dining room set had. We hang some paintings up on the walls and put some plants in.

Next it was the library. Father had given me some books from his library, and Harry had gotten some books from Hermione.

We used magic to put all the books into the bookshelf's and then we put some chairs in as well. We did a little reading nook in there. With the chairs and a window that had one of those big window sills. That you can sit on (idk the name of them😂) after that we moved on to the hallway.

We put a long end table there with some pictures of us from when we were younger. And some pictures of our friends.

We painted the wall in a pretty light pastel purple and put some plants in the corner.

Next we went up stairs to all the bedrooms and our studies. We decided not to do anything to the bathrooms or the kitchen. Since it came furnished because well it's plumbing.

We each went into our own studies and did our thing. I had my walls painted a Slytherin green color and I had a desk with a brown wooden texture.

Then we changed studies, Harry went into mine and I went into his. We were going to do small details in each other's studies that would surprise the other. I decided I'd hang a hand made painting of me and Harry. I never told anyone but I was actually quite good at drawing and painting.

Then we went into our own bedroom. We painted one wall Slytherin green and another one Gryffindor red. The other two walls we left white for some contract to the other darker colors. Our bed frame was a brown wooden textured one. And we hang a painting above it.

Harry had insisted on getting a full wall mirror that you put on the wall and it reached from floor to ceiling. It was a weird muggle thing I had just wanted a plain mirror that would reach from toe to head.

We put some plants in there and a dresser with the same wooden texture as the bed frame.

After that we went into what would be the guest bedroom. We left all the walls plain white and the bed had the same wooden bed frame as mine and Harry's did. We put a dresser that had that same texture on it. Then we put some landscaping pictures on two of the walls and called it done.

When we were finished it was already long after dinner time but we were both hungry. So we decided we'd have Thistle make us some dinner.

We ate and then we went straight to bed. We cuddled together for a little while. Harry using my chest as a pillow and me playing with his hair.

"I love you Dray" he said and looked up at me. "I love you too Harry" I said and kissed his perfectly pink lips. We cuddled some more and then soon we were both fast asleep.



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