Part 14 - meeting Lucious

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It has been a week since me and Harry decorated our new home. I had gotten a letter from father asking me and Harry to join him for lunch tomorrow. I didn't know how Harry would react. I didn't know if Harry would even want to meet my father.

"Harry, can I ask you something" I half ask in a quiet voice. After fighting with myself for half an hour if I should ask him or not. "Of course you can, what's up" Harry said.

"My father wants to have lunch with us tomorrow" I said still keeping my voice low. "Oh that's great, I've been meaning to ask you if I could meet him" Harry said. I was so happy he wanted to meet my father.

"Really" I asked in excitement "of course Dray, it's the man that raised you. I want to meet him" Harry said smiling at me from his position. He had his head in my lap and I sat on the couch.

We smiled at each other and talked for the rest of the afternoon. Soon dinner was ready and Thistle brought it to the living room to us. Harry had asked for a muggle food he called pizza.

It was weird when Harry had been explaining what it was and I wasn't very excited for it. Until Thistle came in with the pizza. It looked delicious and my mouth was watering.

"Is that what you wanted" I asked Harry not taking my eyes off of the food. "Yeah" he said and took a slice and bit into it.

I took one as well and bit into it like Harry did. It was heaven like. I never thought I could love a muggle food as much as I did.


I and Harry woke up early and got dressed. We had decided to eat an early breakfast so we would have appetite for the lunch. If I knew father correctly he would have the house elf's make a huge lunch.

After we ate our breakfast we went on a long walk around the neighborhood. We walked around holding hands and talking. Every once in a while we would laugh at something the other said. Or even something we said ourselves. It was the best time I had had in a long time.

Soon it was time to go to father's house. I stood in front of our fireplace. I didn't know Harry could apparite so I was getting ready to use the floo.

"You know I can apparite" Harry asked and I stood there with wide eyes and my mouth open. He laughed a little at me and took my hand.

"What's the name of your dad's manor" Harry asked "it's just Malfoy manor like our old place" I answered. Soon we were in the air spinning in circles.

I felt like throwing up when we landed in front of my father's home. "You okay" Harry asked and put a hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine" I said a bit hesitant.

He laughed a little "I felt like throwing up the first time I apparited too" Harry said smiling at me. I smiled back and looked at the house. The house I had lived in from 11 years old until now just over 17.

Harry looked at me and gave a small smile, "shall we" he asked and put his hand out for me to take. I laughed at him and took his hand.

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