"Do you hate her?"

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Number Five POV:

       She looked upset after we saved the bank. Why would she be upset after a huge accomplishment..?? I purposely fall behind to talk to her. I felt bad for being a smart ass to her these past few years. I thought I was increasing my chances by acting the same with her as I do with everyone. But she is special she deserves to feel special so I will try my best to make her feel that way when she's with me. As she tells me about her and Vanya I get upset. I asked Vanya to be nice to her.. Vanya has talked badly about her before. I hated it and I got annoyed with her. Maybe that made it worse? It never made sense to me. I knew Vanya liked me but I never told her I liked Abigail.. I was going to invite Abigail out to the rooftop but we arrived so I just closed my mouth. 

       The dinner bell rang and we stood there waiting for dad. I sat between Vanya and Abigail.  Klaus, Ben, and Diego sat across and of course Luther and Allison were at the far end together. There relationship made me jealous. I want to have someone who has me back. Our dad arrived and I sat down. We ate in silence as always. Abigail smiled at Vanya. Vanya looked away and rolled her eyes. I thought Vanya was nice but she seems possessive over me. Abigail sighed and went back to eating. When dinner was over I decided to talk to Vanya about what was going on. 

       "Vanya." I said as I grabbed her arm and pulled her into my bedroom. She smiled at me. I almost felt bad for having to confront her. "Vanya why are you being mean to Abigail? Do you hate her?" I asked. She looked at me in disbelief. She looked away and started crying. "She told me to leave." She said with her eyes watering. I was surprised. Why would Abigail do that? I was so confused... "Why would she say that to you?" I asked. "She said I don't belong here.." She said wiping a tear away. I hugged her and said sorry than opened my door and let her out. I sat on my bed. Something was up between those two. 

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