"It's a probability map."

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Abigail POV:

       I fell asleep after Five reassured me I was not a distraction. I felt as if I was though. I mean he has to save the world! And I am needy. I wake up rubbing my eyes to see hundreds of formulas and equations on the wall written with chalk. My eyes fall to the back of Five writing on a chair in the far corner. "Damn Delores...I'm out of space.." He sighs. I roll my eyes. He was still talking to this doll.. I get up slightly and smile at him as he tries to clear space. "Five..What is all this?" Luther asks as he walks in. "It's a probability map." He says quickly. "Of what?" Luther asks as he eyes me. "Of who's death could prevent the apocalypse." He replies. It was weird how different Five was around everyone else. He was sort of mean...I didn't mind though because he's cute either way. "Wait so your telling me one of these four people could cause the apocalypse?" Luther asks clearly confused. "Noo i'm saying one of their deaths could prevent it.." He replies "Whos Milton Green? A terrorist or something?" He asks five.  "I believe he's a gardener." Five says without any emotion. "What you can't just kill an innocent man- Whoa! Where did you get that." Luther asks as Five pulls out a gun. "Dad's office. It's similar to the model I used at work." He replies. "You can't go around killing innocent people Five!" Luther exclaims. Five hasn't even noticed me up yet. "If I don't kill him he will be dead in four days anyway." Five says irritated. Luther was not going to allow this because he was such a hero. I roll my eyes at Luther's expression and lay my head back into my pillow. Suddenly I am yanked out of the bed and held out the window. I teleport away. "WHAT THE HELL!" I shout. Five grabs my hand and tugs me away angry. Luther than grabs Delores and shoves her out a window. "Glad to see i'm not second choice." I say rolling my eyes. Five points his gun straight at Luther. "PUT HER DOWN." He shouts. "Really Five!?" I ask pissed and sort of jealous. "Put the gun down." Luther says. "Or she's dead. I know how important she is to you." Five continues to point his gun. I wasn't going to allow them to fight over a damn doll! I teleport next to Luther and attempt to take the doll. Luther pushes me and I fall out the window. "Shit!" Luther shouts reaching out but realizing he grabbed Delores and not me. Five teleports and grabs my waist pulling me up. Luther sets the doll down and grabs the gun. "We can do this all day." He says as if almost killing me was his plan. Five ignores him and looks at me looking for and sign of pain. I grab his cheek as he continues to hold me in is arms. "I'm fine. I promise!" I say as he pulls me in for a hug. "Fine we will do things your way." Five says to Luther as his eyes stay on mine.

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