The Film

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Abigail's POV:

       I waited as Five and Elliot watch the film. Suddenly Five walked out grabbed my hand and teleported me out and into the car. I used my telekinesis to stop the car from moving. 
"Hey you gonna tell me what the hell is going on?" I asked. He ignored me as his eyes stayed on a specific car. He once again grabbed me and suddenly we were in the back of another car. In the front were Diego and some random girl arguing.
"Diego did you break out?!" I asked leaning up front. The girl jumped startled.
"Hey little sis." He said. I rolled my eyes and gave Five a look. 
Before I knew what was going on all four of us were headed back to Elliot's. The girls name was Lila and also escaped with Diego. When we got inside Elliot had a gun pointed right at us.
"Dad calm down." I said hoping to calm him by calling him that.
"Dad?" Diego asked. Five shook his head and teleported pushing the gun up as it shot the roof. Next thing was Elliot tied up in a chair. As Lila painted his nails green Diego and Five talked. Me, Diego, and Five gathered in a room and watched the Film. It was a video of a couple at the Kennedy parade. What was weird was the fact that Reginald hargreeves happened to be their as well. Me and Diego gasped. Diego ran out the door leaving me and Five in the dark room. I looked at my feet in despair. Any chance of my father being good was out ruled. 
"You okay?" Five asked grasping my hand slightly. I let go of his hand and walked out the room without saying a word. Elliot, Diego, and Lila were all talking at once. I watched Lila walk down a hall sadly. Five didn't come out of the room.
"I'm gonna stop the assassination." Diego told me grabbing random items.
"No we need to find dad." I said this caused Elliot to look up. I gave him a sorry look.
"Why the hell would I wanna do that!?" Diego asked me.
"Because he may have had something to do with it. You wanna stop it? Your first step is to help me find dad." I said pointing my finger at his chest. He gave me a look before walking off to find Lila. Elliot stared at me.
"Are you gonna-" He begin.
"I have to talk to Five stay here. Okay?" I said leaving before he could ask. I walked back in the dark room to see Five sitting on a chair with his elbow on his knees. He stared at the ground. I put my knees on the ground and put his hands in mine. He didn't look at me as his yes teared up. He yet again showed his soft side. 
"What's wrong?" I asked placing my hand on his cheek.
"I don't wanna do this again." He said making eye contact.
"I know. Saving the world suck-"
"No. I don't wanna lose you again." He said pulling my face up to his. I smiled and sat on his lap laying my head on his shoulder.
"You did it twice. You can do it a third time." I said. He playing with my hands. I kissed his cheek and got up grabbing his hand and pulling him up.
"Now let's go find dad." I said. I began to walk as he spun me around and kissed my cheek back. I giggled and dragged him out the room to find Lila and Diego waiting. Diego taunted me with his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and said good bye to Elliot. Lila stayed with Elliot to keep an eye on him.

Arriving at what was supposed to be Reginald's Umbrella company, me and Five headed down a separate hall than Diego. We went into a room with dolls. I gave Five a look than smiled.
"What?" He asked.
"I wonder if Delores is around here." I messed with him.
"Well why would I care when I have you?" He asked pulling my waist to his. I giggled as he smiled into my eyes. His eyes gazed off to a piece of paper on a table. It was an invitation to a party for Reginald happening tonight. I read it before Five shoved it in his pocket. Suddenly a noise was heard from the other side of the room. Five walked over to where the noise was and we both saw a baby Pogo.
"Pogo? Is that you buddy? It's okay I'm not gonna hurt you." Five told the baby monkey. It looked as if Pogo was going to give in. But than Pogo slashed Five's face and ran off into the darkness. I kneeled over and checked his face wiping off the blood with my sleeve. I kissed where he was hit and smiled.
"All better." I said. He smiled at me before getting up and grabbing my hand.
"What about Diego?" I asked.
"He'll be fine.." He said taking me outside. 

We arrive back at Elliot's to find Diego's wound being patched up by Lila.
"What happened?" I asked looking at the bandaged part of his stomach.
"Dad happened." He replied. "How the hell are we supposed to track him down now."
"We'll me and Abigail happen to be two steps ahead of you." He said pulling out the invitation.
"Yep and looks like dear old daddy-o will be at Hoyt Hillenkoetter's party tonight." I said handing them the invite. Elliot's head perked up and he mumbled something under his breath.
"Majestic 12!" Elliot said aloud.
"What?" We all asked.
"Kennedy was the first to try and expose that group. Reginald might be in the group and they might be having a meeting the same time the party is happening." Elliot told us. I glanced at Five.
"To avoid suspicion.." I than said. "Let's go."
"They will never let you in dressed like that." Lila said to Diego as I untied Elliot. 
"Don't go anywhere. Okay Dad?" I told him giving him a hug. Elliot laughed.
"I have no where to go. Even untied." He joked. I smiled and we waited for Diego and Lila to put on there disguise. Five held my hand impatiently. 

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