"It hurts"

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Abigail POV:

      Hours after dinner I went up to my room and sat in bed. How could she hate me that much. It was pretty heartbreaking. If she didn't wanna be my sister fine. But she doesn't have to be a bitch. I get up to go find Klaus and rant to him. He was asleep surprisingly. I checked Ben and Diego and they were also asleep. I decided to just get some rest. I walk by the hallway Allison and Luther were down and of course they were sneaking into eachothers room. I giggled and headed to bed. I passed Fives door and heard him talking. I listened in and heard Vanya telling Five that I wanted her gone. I was furious. I heard the door open and I teleported behind the stairs. As Vanya went into her room I stormed into Fives room. He was on his bed and looked confused. I looked at him and he looked at his dresser. I bit my lip. "You don't believe her do you?" I asked in a hurt voice. He looked up  at me than looked down. I took a sharp breathe as my eyes watered. I laughed. "wow right when I open up to you." I said. I couldn't believe him he tried to say something but I was already gone.

        I teleported out and ran on to the rooftop. Sitting on the edge with my legs over the end I heard the door open. I ran behind a higher piece of ground. I saw Five enter and he looked upset. He started to talk to himself. "How could I actually believe Vanya.. Now she hates me. I can't-" He started to gasp for breath. He was having a panic attack. I have never seen this part of him. He was soft. "It hurts.." He said gasping for air. He was on his knees trying to breathe. I got up and walked behind him. He turned around and was scared he tripped over the edge and I pulled him back. We fell and hit the ground on the rooftop. As I sat on my knees he laid there trying to relax. I grabbed his hand. He was cold so I hugged him and waited till he was fine.

       After a few minutes he had calm down and we sat there looking at the lit up city. I looked at his eyes. "Are you okay." I asked him. He nodded and looked down. "Hey.." I grabbed his face and made it face mine. "You don't have to be embarrassed about it..I get it you were upset." I said in a soothing voice. He smiled and we hugged. We went to bed after hours of talking. Turns out the smart ass has a soft spot. And it made me like him more.

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