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Abigail POV:

       I woke up with a pain in my head. I felt the blood rush. I squirmed around till I noticed my hand in someone else's. I look up to see Five fast asleep on the ground. His grip was tight. I saw the stained tears on his cheek. I also noticed the stained blood on his hand and shirt. I got out of bed and looked at his wound. "Love." He whispered. I looked at him. "Yes Five?" I asked as I gently covered his wound back with his shirt. He opened his mouth to say something. But he broke into tears. I held him in my arms. "Hey. I'm fine now. I am here. Come here" I said as I got on the bed. I held him close to me as we slept. It was late so we both needed it. He relaxed his breath. I felt him warm up. I turned and faced him. His eyes were closed and he breathed softly. "I love you Five Hargreeves." I whispered. "I love you more. More than life itself." He replied keeping his eyes closed. I put my hand on his cheek and played with his hair. He opened his eyes and kissed me before pulling me in deeper. My face pressed against his chest as we both breathed in sync. 

       "Vanya has powers!" Luther shouted in our room waking us both up. Five jerked up. "What?" He asked confused. "Vanya has powers. She did this to Allison and Abigail. She also killed Harold." He said. Five smiled and looked at me. "That means the apocalypse is over?" I asked him. He frowned. "Could it be that easy..." He said as he walked out the room. I layed staring at the ceiling. Could we really be okay now? "I'M NOT LIKE YOU!" I heard five shout from downstairs. I groaned and got up to see go see what he was yelling about. I got down to see him throw the glass eye at the wall. I gasped. "Five calm down!" I said. He looked at me than walked into the living room. Klaus shrugged at me after I gave him a questioned look. I sighed as I walk into the room to see Five drinking margaritas with his doll. "You know you have me right." I say as I sit next to him stealing the dolls drink. He looks at me than back at the drink. "Five. What's wrong?" I ask him putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked back at me and smiled. "Nothing." He said getting up and turning on some music. "Care to dance, my love?" He asked putting his hand out to me. I smiled and took it. For those few minutes we forgot about all our worries as I slowly moved in his arms. "Promise me this is forever." I whispered. "I promise. All the time in the world will be put towards us. And you." He replied softly kissing my cheek. Suddenly the music was interrupted by a doorbell. I walked over and turned off the music and followed Five to the door. He opened it to see Hazel pointing a gun at us. I yawned and walked back into the living room. "Your here to kill us?" Five asked as Hazel walked in the living room. "No uh old habit." He replied. Before anymore talk could be done Diego ran in and jumped on Hazel. They fought as me and Five watched unamused. When Diego starting biting Hazel's ear Five took one more sip before smashing Diego with a glass vase. "Five! Really?" I shouted. He shrugged. I walked to the bathroom to clean up my head. It had started to bleed again. I walked back into the living room to see Hazel gone. Five sadly stirred his drink. I wrapped my arms around him after stepping over Diego. "I'd say let's dance some more but the moment was kind of ruined." Five told me. Diego got up and looked around. "He's gone. I let him go." Five told Diego. "Why would you do that!" He yelled at us both. I sighed before sitting in Fives lap. "He didn't kill patch. Cha-cha did. He even gave me their guns to set you free. " Five said. "He was still there." Diego replied. Five lifted me up and dragged me across the carpet. "Your girlfriend...what did you like about her?" Five asked Diego. "Nice legs, cute butt." He replied. "Anything that doesn't include looks?" I asked him with a smirk. "She believed in people. She saw so much out there but never stopped believing." Diego said sadly. "Well i'm sure she would be happy to know your remembering her by killing Hazel and Cha-Cha." Five said before picking me up and carrying me out. 

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