The Majestic 12

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Abigails POV:

As we arrived at the party me and Diego headed in first. I looked behind me to see Five and Lila having a some what serious conversation. I gave Five a look and he shook his head and caught up to us. 
"Shall I escort you my love?" He asked with a soft smile. I nodded my head and took his arm. We looked like we skipped preppy school to come to this. We got a few looks but ignored them. 
"Let's go Find dad." I whispered into Five's ear. He nodded and we ran up the stairs. We listened into a closed door and heard people talking. The door was locked giving us more suspicion. We teleported into the closet inside that room. Five smiles at me in the dark. I accidentally trip over him. He catches me before I fall but a sound of my arm hitting the door causes the room to go silent. Suddenly a cane starts hitting the door and right before the door slammed open Five teleported us out. He gives me a look before throwing me aside.
"What the hell!?" I shout before noticing he did that to protect me from getting hit by a man in bleached blonde. I stand up and block a hit from another blonde man that was charging at Five from behind. 
"Who the hell are these guys?!" I ask Five.
"The guys I told you about. The one's that killed Hazel." He claimed before kicking one of the men in the stomach. I stood still to laugh forgetting about the guy I was fighting.
"Watch out!" Five yelled. I turned around just in time to be hit directly in the side with a blade ].
"ABIGAIL!" Five shouted. He attempted to run to me but the man grabbed his leg pulling him down. I fell to the ground keeping the blade with me. I attempted to get up but just fell to the ground. I ripped the knife out of me and threw it far so they couldn't use it again. The man ignored me and ran over to help kill Five. Lila appeared at the top of the stairs. She looked at Five and Diego deciding who she would help. I pointed at Diego but she ignored me. Five was clearly kicking ass compared to Diego. But Lila rushed over to Five and also began kicking ass. Five runs outside leaving us three here. Diego defeats the one man than picks me up carrying me outside. As we exited the party I noticed Grace. 
"Mom!" I shouted. She looked at me in confusion. Diego pulled me out the door as I struggled to see why mother was in the 1960's.
"IT'S THE HUMAN VERSION!" He yelled. I stopped struggling as my eyes lost sight.
"What!?" I asked. He ignored my question and brought me over to Five. Five took me in his arms as we all watched Grace climb into a car.
"Who's car is that?" Me and Diego asked.
"Dad's." Five answered watching the car drive away. "Are you okay love?" Five asked. I nodded.
"He just punched me really hard." I lied. There was no time for distractions. No time at all. Lila suddenly appeared. I walked over to a edge and sat down checking my wound. It was bleeding fast so I pressed it with my blazer. It was to dark for Five to notice the dark spot so I left it at that. I grew dizzy but awoken when Lila shouted.
"He's a bloody child!" She shouted.
"If I ever see you again. I will kill you." Five said before rushing over to me.
"Come on." He said grabbing my hand. I attempted to stand but just fell back down. 
"What's wrong!?" He asked. He placed his hand where I had been hit and as soon as he felt blood his eyes widened.
"You said you just got hit really hard!" He said picking me up.
"I lied." I smiled. He stopped and kissed my lips.
"Not funny darling." He said before walking to Diego.
"What happened to her?" He asked.
"She got stabbed." He replied continuing to walk.
"Want me to carry her?" 
"NO" Five replied seeing Diego as a possible threat. "I mean no. It's fine." Diego glanced at me and I shrugged burying my head into Five's chest.
"What's the deal with Lila?" I asked.
"She picked Five over me." Diego said sarcastically.
"No. She is too good at what she does. It's 1960's and that's not normal. I don't trust her." Five replied. I nodded and we headed back to Elliot's. 

We arrived to find Luther and Elliot passed out on the couch. Clearly high. I kick Luther with all my strength but he didn't budge.
"I guess Luther changed his mind about saving the world." I said to Diego and Five. Diego rolled his eyes and sat at the kitchen table. 
"Diego she's not worth it." Five said.
"Yeah and she is!?" He asked referring to mine and Five's relationship.
"She is different. She isn't the enemy." Five said "Now don't compare my girlfriend to your rebound." He said before dragging me down a hall.
"Hold on!" I said to Five.
"What?" He asked.
"Let me talk to him. My bedrooms in there. Wait for me." I said limping away and over to Diego. Five groaned and walked to my room.
I sat next to Diego before giving him a hug.
"It's okay big brother." I know he's not older but he enjoys having a little sister. Diego smiled and hugged me back.
"I guess. Where can I sleep?" He asked avoiding a soft moment.
"There." I pointed where Luther was asleep.
"Elliot and Luther took up all the room." He replied. I used my powers to place Luther on the ground. Diego laughed and headed over to the couch. I got up and made my way to my room slowly. I closed the door behind me finding Five in my bathroom. He came out with bandages and stitches and begin to fix me up. I smiled at him as he finished the last stitch. He placed me in bed and took my couch.
"Five?" I said to the darkness.
"yeah?" He asked. 
"Can you lay with me?" I asked. He teleported next to me wrapping his arm around my waist. I laid my head on his chest as he began to hum. I fell asleep after a few minutes closing all worries and pains.

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