"I'm coming with you."

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Abigail POV:

       As we stumbled in the house I rushed over to the couch they placed Five on. "We should have taken him to a hospital." Allison said. "You want to take a thirteen year old in with a metal wound and no parents." Diego replied. "SHUT UP! JUST PUT PRESSURE." I shouted at them both. They threw their hands up as I tried to stop the bleeding. Tears streaming down my face I put my head on his chest. "No no no no no no nooooo...Come on Five open your eyes." I cried. Diego got up and walked out. "Where are you going!" Allison asked him. "wake up." I whispered. Diego rushed in moments later with mom. "Mom?!" I asked. I was going to hug her but she quickly got Five up and rushed him into the emergency area. I stayed in there as Diego followed them. Allison sat on the couch and pulled me into a hug. "Hey.. he's gonna be okay." She said. I nodded as she got up. "where are you going?" I asked her as she grabbed the keys. "To get Vanya I know Harold has a cabin somewhere and I'm going to get them." She said. "I'm coming with you." I said getting up. "Shouldn't you wait for him to wake up?" She asked. I shook my head wiping away my tears. "I can't see him like that. Let's go." I replied walking out the door before she could answer.

       As we drove down the road I noticed tears on Allison's face. "Hey she's gonna be okay. I promise." I told her. She nodded. "I hate myself for what I did to her. I shut her out when we grew up. " She said softly. "It's okay. She will understand." I replied. She nodded as we continued down the road.

Five POV: 

       I woke up to an empty room. I slowly got up ignoring the pain in my right side. I went downstairs to find Luther and Klaus in the kitchen. I stole the coffee Klaus was giving Luther. "Ugh who do I have to kill to get a decent cup of coffee." I groaned. "Where's Abigail?" Five asked. "She went with Allison." I nodded at Klaus. I'm sure she was fine. 

Abigail POV:

       We pulled into the driveway. It was a nice cabin but it was also in the middle of nowhere. We got out and looked around the house. Allison gasped as a bird flew close to her out of nowhere. "Just a bird. Vanya isn't here." She said. I nodded as we walked back to the car. "Now what?" I asked as we drove back. "We can look around town they might be getting dinner." she said. I nodded as I looked up at the clouds. I wonder if Five is looking up right now. Or if he was even okay. We sat through traffic before Allison got out the car and ran over to what looked like a police scene. I waited in the car as she grabbed what looked like a scarf. She then was walked to by a police officer. I groaned. I rushed over to her to see what he wanted. "I'm doing a role on a small town cop! Maybe I could come along?" She said. He hesitated at first but finally gave in. "Yeah okay but who's this." He asked pointing at me. "I'm her niece." I said quickly. He nodded and brought us to his squad car. As he got in I stopped Allison. "What are we doing?" I asked her. "I have a feeling Vanya was apart of this. We are going to the hospital to see if this guy knows anything." I nodded as I spacial jumped in the back. "Woah!" The officer yelled. "What? You didn't see me get in?" I asked messing with him. He shook his head as he drove off to the hospital.

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