"How long?"

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Abigail POV: 

       My eyes opened and I slowly got up. I looked around to find nobody. Hmm I was still the same as last time so I guess I didn't stay in a coma for too long. Suddenly I heard voices from the living room. Adult voices. I took the needle out and teleported outside the door. Glad to see my powers still work. I walk over and I look for a weapon but there's nothing. I guess I will have to fight. I peek over the corner. There are five adults. I see a knife and use my telekinesis to grab it. All of a sudden I get dragged into the living room. "AH.." I shout. A very tall man with big arms is holding me up. I teleport out of his grip. "WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE." I shout. I don't get a response. They are all just looking at me. They all look shocked. "Abigail...Is that..really you?.." A women with curly hair asks. I nod. "Abigail It's us..its me Klaus..you- you were in a coma.. and because of your powers you didn't age..." Klaus says. I freeze. "How long was I in the coma..." I ask. They all glance at each other. "How long?" I ask a little louder. "Seventeen years.." Says Klaus... "so- your Klaus..who's everybody else.." I asked. "Im Allison..here's Luther and Diego and Vanya..." She pointed to everyone. Where was Ben. Where was Five... "Where's Ben...Where is Five...." I asked. "He's gone Abigail...And Five never came back.." Said Luther. I collapse. Diego and Klaus looked so happy to see me. But I couldn't breathe through the pain. "Dad's gone too...just today.." Said Vanya. I looked at her. Pain in my eyes I got up and went to my room and locked the door.  Sliding against the door I let out what felt like thousands of tears. I just found out one of my best friends is dead. My dad is dead. My crush is gone. And I've been in a god damn coma for seventeen years ad everyone else grew up but me. I'm so alone. 

       After a few minutes of crying I changed into my uniform since that was all I had to wear. A knock on my door startled me. Using my powers I unlock it and open it. I sit on my bed and Diego and Klaus walk in. "Hey...you okay?" Klaus asks. I shake my head. How could I be. "Well we are having a discussion..I know your upset but you should be down here." Says Klaus. Diego smiles at me. I decided to look on the bright side. I was back. "Okay let's go." I say smiling through the pain.

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