"Your..In love with a doll?"

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Abigail POV:

       "That can't be right. Your eye hasn't been sold yet. It hasn't even been manufactured..Kids where did you get that?" The man asks. I could see the color drain from his face as he pulled me and Klaus into the elevator. 

       As we sat on the steps I wanted to say something but I knew he was upset. I was death to their conversation until Five got up looking disappointed in Klaus. "The world is ending and all you can think about is getting high?" He asks. "Your useless!" He grabs my hand and teleports us into a nearby taxi. "HEY WHAT ABOUT MY MONEY!" He shouts as Five waves. "Take us here." Five tells the man and hands him a piece of paper from the man at the coffee shop. "Where is that?" I ask.

       We arrived at a store. "Why are we he-" I am interrupted by Five teleporting me into the store. "I am getting something." He says. I nod as we walk down the racks. "So you think i'm cute when i'm mad huh?" He asks. "I think your cute in general." I respond turning red as soon as I realized what I just fucking said. He smiles at me than gasps and runs to some dolls. Or mannequins? "Hey Delores...It's been awhile." He starts to speak to the one in spots. What is he doing.. "I missed you.." He says. "Oh her? That's Abigail!" He exclaims. "UHM Five?" I ask. "Yes?" He says turning my way. "Your..In love with a doll?" I ask. He blinks at me. "NO...I'm in love with-" He's cut off by gunshots. Two creepy masked adults head our way. We duck behind the other mannequins. "Stay here Delores, I'll be back for you." He exclaims as he teleports away. I shrug and teleport behind them. "Hey! Nice masks." I say distracting them as Five comes behind and slices the pink dogs arm. I disappear before they can attack and so does Five. We begin to confuse them and teleport around them. We slide by and grab Delores. We try to teleport when we are cornered by them but we can't because we used up to much energy. They look the other way for a second when the cops show up and we jump over a counter and sit there. "Shit they jumped again...let's get out of here." They run out and I look at Five. He looked so scared. "Who are they?" I ask him. "They had the same job I had in the commision." He says. He ever told me what the job was. I didn't wanna ask because he looked upset. I kiss him on the cheek and grab his hand and pull him up.

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