"I want to time travel"

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Abigail POV:

       I was still tired from last nights talk so I got up slow this morning. After getting dressed I heard the bell. I walked out and saw Five telling Vanya he knows the truth and that they can't be friends anymore. Even though she deserved it I still felt bad. He walked down and I went to say sorry to her. "Hey I'm sorry about everything I just want to-" I was cut off by her shoving me and walking away. I stood there frozen. She was really that cold? 

       While I walked down I was pulled into a doorway. It was Five. He looked worried. "What's wrong Five?" I asked him. He played with his hair. "I want to travel into the future...I'm going to ask at breakfast.." He said in a whisper. I was shocked. Before I could speak he walked into the dining room. As we sat down I nervously ate. He wasn't ready and he could get hurt. Suddenly my thoughts were paused by his fork being stabbed into the table. "I want to time travel." He said. Dad brushed him off. Everything went blank I was trying to find a way to stop him. It was to late next thing I know it was he was rushing out the door. I got up and ran after him. Ben followed me. "NUMBER FIVE! NUMBER EIGHT! NUMBER SIX! GET BACK HERE!" I heard my father shout I grabbed Five. "You can't do this please don't..." He smiled at me." I promise to be back Abigail." He hugged me than traveled. I  backed up into the street out of shock. "ABIGAIL WATCH OUT." I heard Ben yell. A undescribable pain hit me and everything went black.

       Three days later

       "She is going to be fine. She at the moment is in a coma and is unable to get out. We don't know when she will be back." Said Pogo sadly. I heard people whimper. I tried to move but I couldn't. After awhile people left the room. A few talked to me. Diego, Ben, and Klaus talked to me every day. Until they I went deeper into my coma. I could no longer hear them.

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