"I want her to come with me."

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Abigail POV:

       As the ice cream truck got closer I looked at Five in confusion. He was too busy trying to see who was in the front seat. Finally we see Klaus and Diego strolling down the street. Klaus waved with a stupid grin on his face. A gunshot went off and the truck was so close to Hazel and Cha-Cha before time seemed to have frozen. "Five..What's going on?" I asked as I waved my hand in front of Luther's face and looked at Hazel and Cha-Cha. "Not sure sweetheart." He said. I blushed at the new nickname. "Neat trick isn't it." Said a woman in black with white hair and heals. Five pulled me behind him as I stared confused. I grabbed onto Fives coat as he walked towards her. "It's okay come with me." He said. I followed him and stood next to him as they talked. I ignored the first few words till she touched his face. "Back off whore." I growled. She stared at me in schock. "Aw aren't you cute and protective." She said brushing my hair our my face. I grabbed her hand and looked her dead in the eyes. I was going to tell her off but Five squeezed my hand. I let go of her and let them continue. "Five, your asking me to do something impossible." She said. I ignored her again because I didn't really understand. All I knew was she was the handler and Five wanted her to stop the apocalypse. I missed when Five was happy and didn't have to worry about saving the world. 

       "Love?" Five asked and searched. Abigail appeared behind him and tackled him to the ground. She breathed heavily as he stared into her eyes. "Did you call me your love?" She asked. He nodded guilty before he pushed her off and teleported away.  "Oh really Five your gonna play fire with fire?" She asked before being tackled by him this time. "I sure am, My love." He said silently. She smiled at him and blushed at the nickname she adored.

       She snapped back into reality when she saw Five put away a gun. She widened her eyes not even realizing he pulled it out to begin with. "And Abigail?" He asked her. I looked at her confused. "Yes she will be saved like the rest of them." She replied rolling her eyes. I folded my arms confused. "I want her to come with me." He said loud. She sighed. "Her? Really?" She asked. He begin to reach for his gun. "No need for that. She can go with you but she will have to share a desk with you." She said as she held out her hand to conceal the deal. "Hold on." Five said as he walked over the Hazel and Cha-Cha. I followed. "Five what's going on?" I asked pulling his arm to a stop. He looked to the Handler to see her distracted by her watch. "We are gonna go with her okay? We are gonna work for her to save the family." He said holding both my arms. "What about the rest of the wo-" She begin but he cut her off. "Trust me sweetheart." He said. She blushed at him and nodded. He kissed my cheek and went and took the guns ammo out throwing both pieces to opposite sides of the street. He went to shake her hand as I quickly moved the bullet that was headed towards Luther. She held Fives hand as they teleported into a new time.

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