One and Two

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Abigail's POV:

"Who should we find first?" I asked tightening my grip on his hand.
"I think we just found our answer." He said squeezing my hand. He showed me a newspaper. It showed Diego with grown hair being shoved into an insane asylum for talking about the presidents death. I laughed at this. Of course Diego would try and save the president. I grabbed the paper and read it letting go of Five's hand. He then disappeared for a moment. Returning in a brown car.
"Where did you get that!?" I asked walking up to the vehicle. He teleported next to me.
"I stole it my love." He said opening the door. I blushed and sat inside. We drove to the Asylum playing some blue tunes. I caught him staring and kissed his cheek right before he almost hit the car in front of him. I laughed and grabbed his hand playing with his fingers. He pulled into a lot and sighed. 
"Let's get him." He said taking me outside. We landed in front of the building. He caught me before I almost slipped. I laughed at him as he held my waist. We walked inside and asked to see Diego.
"One at a time please." The rude lady told us with a creepy look. Five told me to wait here. I nodded and took a seat. I waited awhile before realizing it was my brother and I was gonna see him now. I teleported in behind Five startling a guard.
"What? I have been here the entire time." I said with a smirk. Diego stared at me before getting up and rushing to me. He gave me a hug and I smiled into his chest. 
"How you been little bro."
"Hey we are the same age." He replied giving me a slight giggle. I let go and looked at Five who looked a little upset. 
"Guard my brother is planning an escape tonight. Lock him up." He said. The guard grabbed Diego and began to cuff him.
"YOU LITTLE-" Diego shouted. Five smirked and whispered something into his ear. I stood confused. I finally saw my brother again and they were taking him away again. I tried to teleport but Five already dragged me out of the room and into the car faster than they took Diego.
"FIVE WHY-" I shouted in his face.
"Babe calm down! He was trying to change time. We will get him back soon. Okay?" He said hugging me. I nodded and let go of him. 
"Alright. Who's next?" I asked quietly. I played with Elliot's pin silently. 
"Let's go find Luther." He said grabbing the newspaper from earlier and gazing through it. "Found him." He said handing me the paper and starting the car.
"He's a wrestler?!" I asked with a laugh. "Of course he would become a wrestler." I said before throwing the paper on the backseat. Five smirked and we began our way to Luther. 

We arrived at a bar and looked inside. 
"How did you know he would be at a strip club? I thought he was a wrestler." I asked.
"Well he works for some big bad boss, and where do the bosses spend there time this late? A club. And they need body guards. And I'm assuming Luther is his best one." Five replied getting out the car. I followed him into the club and we took a seat at a table. Five ignored the half naked lady and watched me. He placed a kiss on my hand and grinned at me. I giggled before noticing a waitress being harassed by a drunk. 
"I told you I don't do dances! I just serve drinks!" The girl shouted.
"Stay here." I said in a serious voice. Five gave me a look and watched as I walked up to the man.
"Hey there buddy. So what you bothering her for? I am pretty sure she said NO." I shouted slamming my hand on the table. There was a moment of silence at the table before the three men began to laugh at me. I looked behind me at Five who was talking to Luther. He smirked before giving me the 'go for it' sign. I nodded and turned back to him. 
"Listen little girl. Go back to your dolls and let me take care of this fine young lady." He said sipping his whiskey. I smiled and grabbed a knife holding it up to his throat. 
"Next time you disrespect a women. I'll fucking KILL you." I said. Two of the men laughed at me.
"Like your gonna do anyth-" One man said. I cut him off by stabbing his hand with the blade. 
"I thought so." I grabbed one of the man's wallets and grabbed a handful of cash.
"I think you should tip nice young ladies. Don't you?" I asked. "Don't you?!" I asked louder. They all shook there heads. I handed the waitress the cash and she smiled before walking away. She than ran up to another girl excitedly.  I smiled and turned around to see Luther and Five gone. I looked at the bar and walked over to them. Wiping the man's blood on a cloth. 
"I give a shit." Luther said before walking away. 
"He doesn't give a shit about what?" I asked.
"About the apocalypse."
"We do have a long time." I replied. He gave me a look and seemed to realize he forgot something. We exited the building.
"Another one? In a few days?!" I asked. Five nodded. I stood still and groaned. He grabbed my hands and gave me a kiss.
"It's okay." He replied. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the car.
"Wait why doesn't he care!?" I asked. Five shrugged. I nodded and looked out the window. Five played with something in his pocket.
"What's that?" I asked him.
"Hazel gave it to me before he died. I will see if Elliot can help me watch it." He replied. 

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