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【Just a heads up I know that there will be less chapters but that is because I doubled the amount of words in each chapter. Hope you don't mind. Love you all and we have many more chapters to go!】

Abigail's POV:

I wake up to an empty bed. I feel the pain in my side and get up to put new bandages on. But it seems I already have new ones on.
"Oh your up!" Elliot says. "I got you new bandages and of course some breakfast." He said handing me a bowl of cereal. "I would have given you eggs but Luther is eating all of them.." He said.
"Typical Luther. And I'm surprised your up! After all you did get really high last night." I said giving him a stare. He sighs and claims Luther talked him into it.
"Where's Five?" I asked.
"Right here." A voice came from the door. I looked to see Five leaning against the doorway. He gives Elliot a look.
"Okay...I'll leave you two be." Elliot said slapping Five's back before exiting the door. Five closes the door and walks over to me sitting on the bed. I place the bowl of cereal on the table and stare at his beautiful green eyes. 
"You don't seem to be happy." I say grabbing his hand.
"Well it seems we have to go gather the ones we call siblings." He replies kissing my cheek and pulling me up off the bed.
"Can you walk?" He asked.
"Yeah..." I said. He smiled and let go of my waist and held onto my hand. I followed him out to see Elliot. I gave Elliot a warm smile before turning to Five.
"What's the plan?" I asked curiously.
"We need to have a family meeting. You stay here. I'm going to get Vanya, Luther go get Allison. We will find the others as well." Five replied before turning to Luther. Luther shrugged and walked off.
"Vanya? Have you uh talked to her yet?" I asked. Five nodded. Apparently the two had met up when I was asleep. How nice.. Elliot gave me a look of confusion before Five left.

"Who's Vanya?" Elliot asked taking a bite out of a cracker.
"My sister. Five's old love interest from like twenty years ago." I shrugged sitting next to him in a little pain. He nodded handing me a cracker.
"I'm sorry we brought you into all this mess, dad." I said with a smile. Elliot's face lit up at the word dad. He never really had a family, when Abigail came though, he felt as if he did. As the two chatted away waiting for the others to get time went by. 

{1 hour later}
"Is it just me, or did we all get sexier?" Asked a familiar voice from downstairs. I stood up peeking over the rail to see my family. My face lit up as I ran down the stairs giving Allison a hug. The others joined, besides Five and grumpy luther, I smiled at them all and there beautiful faces. 
"Good to see you guys." I said grabbing my wound. Klaus linked arms with me walking up the stairs. Five winced at us in jealousy. 
"You have gotten quite old, it's been what. Years." Klaus rambled. I laughed as we all took a seat in the kitchen. 
"The world's ending again." Five said cutting Klaus off.
"What...Againnnn?" Klaus asked. I giggled at him. Luther started walking down the stairs. Five walked after him.
"Where are you going!?" Five asked in frustration. 
"I'm leaving, do this yourselves." Luther replied. The others rolled there eyes annoyingly. Five teleported in front of Luther. Luther grabbed Five throwing him off the railing. I ran to the edge of the stairs thankfully to see him teleport away in time. 
"Asshole!" I shouted teleporting out after Five. I hid behind a brick wall as he started to walk somewhere. Where was he going? I followed him until we ended up at an old warehouse. I watched him follow Lila in. I rolled my eyes before teleporting to the second floor and looking over the railing as they fought. I smiled at Five's skills. Nobody saw me. They fought each other for about five minutes. Finally he took hold of her pulling her to the ground and I watched as he put his foot on her neck almost killing her.
"Your better than I thought." She said gasping for air.
"And your entirely ordinary!" He smirked. 
"You can come out now." He said to a darkness.
Suddenly the Handler popped out of nowhere. I gasped hiding behind a wall. When they started talking I carefully went downstairs.
"Do this and I'll send your family back to your rightful timeline." She ended the conversation. Five agreed and teleported away after receiving an address. He was sent to kill the entire board. And I was going to follow him. I teleported away following his car with a bike I had stolen.

{Time skip to the board} 
I followed Five in a few minutes later. I caught him just as he destroyed a vending machine. I giggled as he walked over to a cake taking a little bit of icing and licking it off his finger. I smiled. I followed him quietly and watched him kill the entire board. I frowned a little too see him this way. To see the face's he made when he killed them. The joy. The humanity seemed to be gone at that moment. I backed away as he smashed the goldfishes tube into a thousand pieces. He picked up the fish and placed it in a bowl of water. Two girls walked in but soon left when they saw all the blood. I frowned at him as he turned around. He looked at me holding the bowl. 
"Abigail...What uh.." He said awkwardly. I unfolded my arms and smiled a little.
He walked passed me and went straight to the car. I sighed following him into the car. I sat in the passenger seat. I looked out the window not saying a word. He didn't say a word either. He left to give the Handler the fish coming back with a suitcase. He sat in the car silently not moving. 
"You can go." I mumbled. He nodded sadly as he drove off back to the house.

//SORRASDHUWAD I feel like this was rushed but like AHGHGHHASHFUHAS I have an idea for a book so hehe.//

Hey! I am going to start a new book, might stop this one? Might even pick it up later. Not sure yet, I just wanna move on with a new book. 

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