*Sigh* Real Valduggery

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I'm sorry you fellow non-Valduggery shippers. All I have to say is that twilight_cain and Astra_Darkling finally got their wish. *Another sigh* Enjoy, or don't. Up to you.

Valkyrie knew it was wrong. it was so wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. She shouldn't feel this way. She couldn't feel this way. It was so wrong, hopeless, not to mention people would find it disturbing, and he was a skeleton for god's sake-

She couldn't be in love with Skulduggery, the Skeleton Detective, The miracle soldier.

It was so wrong- she used to consider Skulduggery as a friend, a father figure, even. And now these random feelings appeared out of nowhere, when she hopped into the Bentley this morning. Why? She didn't want to feel this way. She just wanted to go back to being normal with him, when she could look at him without feeling shaky, and talk to him without feeling like there was something lodged in her throat, choking her. Skulduggery told her to chew her food in his velvet voice, when he knew full well that she hadn't eaten anything! She had literally been asking to go grab a coffee and a muffin all morning!

She knew it was bad- she was torn between her love for Militsa and Skulduggery. Militsa was the first romance she had had that had worked out, so far, but Valkyrie thought she loved her. And Skulduggery just decided to come in out of nowhere and steal her affections like she stole his hat- she still believed that her heart belonged mostly to her girlfriend, but Skulduggery had to come in and take a portion of it. An image of her and Skulduggery sitting on the pier watching the fish brush against his bones popped into Valkyrie's head, and she quickly shook it out. 

"Militsa, Militsa, Militsa, Militsa, MILITSA." Valkyrie repeated, pacing her bedroom floor until it turned into a jog until she stopped, and flopped onto her bed. It wasn't that bad, is it? to fall in love with someone you always thought you loved platonically? These feelings are stupid. But there's nothing wrong with it, is there? The conversation went back and forth through her head, before she finally shook her head. 

'I need just fresh air- then I'll be thinking straight- or gay.' She murmured and her lips twitched up an infinitesimal amount. Getting up from the cocoon of blankets, she padded down the stairs, ignoring her dad singing in the kitchen, and picked up Alice, giving her a hug and lightly kissing the top of her head.

"I hope you don't have the same amount of inside turmoil that I do when you grow up." Valkyrie tickled Alice's nose

"You don't want that, do you?" She cooed over and over again. Alice just warbled back, and giggled.

"And I need to go outside, don't I? I'm also about to ask a baby for advice, so I have to go, is that okay little one?" Alice just gurgled some more, and Valkyrie gently set her down.

"Bye mum. Bye dad- love you." She called, before walking outside with the thought on her mind- but I love Skulduggery more. This was wrong. So wrong. She loved Militsa. Militsa, not Skulduggery. Valkyrie went and sat down on the pier, wishing that either Skulduggery or her favourite girl were sitting beside her.

POV change! To the fish in the pier!

Jk- change to Skulduggery

Skulduggery was driving. He did that a lot- from one crime scene to another, from one massacre to the next, from one cafe to a different cafe. Valkyrie was picky that way. Valkyrie- Skulduggery had noticed something about her today. He felt- different about her. Like she was the daughter he had never had, the child he had never had time with, the girl he was responsible for protecting. She always acted like he was her guardian, her teacher, her friend- but today was different. She had seemed distracted- and she didn't stab anyone. She didn't even force him to get her breakfast. She just- just-

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