The Story of how Skulduggery stole Lin's Car Keys.

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So in the previous chapter, it was mentioned that Valkyrie and Skulduggery met Lin-Manuel Miranda, and Skulduggery Pleasant stole his car keys.  There WILL be another chapter where he has Storytime and tells Val how he met Hamilton, but first? This is how he stole the famous writer of musicals/ lead part in every musical he writes' car keys.

"I can't wait! Seriously, it's not every day that you get to meet the guy who acted Alexander Hamilton in the musical Hamilton!"

"Calm down Valkyrie. I'm sure he isn't as impressive as the actual Alexander Hamilton. And Alex wasn't even that impressive. Just a short gremlin who had a weird obsession with looking like he wore moss." At this, the fangirl beside him gasped.


"You ever wonder why the year he was born in isn't clear? And how he wrote so quickly? He was a sorcerer. Duh." Valkyrie sighed, exasperated with her partner's casual boasting. She made the incredibly easy decision to ignore him, and stared out the front windscreen. They were about to meet Lin-Manuel Miranda, the prodigy behind Hamilton, In The Heights, some of the music from Moana, and main male actor in Mary Poppins Returns. Valkyrie, a massive fan of Hamilton, In The Heights and Moana couldn't believe it.


They weren't even there on official Sanctuary business, Skulduggery's partner had just been nagging him so much he figured he had no choice. But even as they got closer, he got more and more suspicious. This person had written his first musical in 1999 when he was 19. That musical had made it to Broadway. Not everyone had the talent, passion and the drive to do that. there was something odd about Lin-Manuel Miranda. Something mysterious. Something fascinating.

Something magical.


The Bentley pulled up next to the meet and greet booth, completely ignoring all the tape and people shouting at them. Geoffrey Scrutinous could just come clean up afterwards. Sure, he might be curious but he'd know better than to question anything Skulduggery did.

They hopped out of the car, Valkyrie slamming the door in her excitement, leaving the skeleton to grumble about taking care of his 'precious baby'. All though, to be honest, he probably preferred his hats. Oof, his Bentley with his hats inside would be something more valuable to him then anyone he knew or didn't know. He'd probably kill every single faceless one to protect them.

The look on Lin's face when Valkyrie grabbed his hand and shook it was priceless. The look of embarrassed politeness, mixed with the shocked assurance of the situation. He was a world-famous celebrity. She wondered how many times this had actually happened, as she could see how he pushed aside the surprise like it he'd been through this before. 

"Hello! I'm Lin-Manuel Miranda. How are you?" He extended his hand, and Valkyrie shook it energetically. 

"I'm Valkyrie! Sorry for popping in like this, but you see I'm a massive fan and my friend here says he met the actual Alexander Hamilton so I had to one-up him, but then he insisted on coming along, I suppose to stop me from doing him one better, and then-" She flushed, mostly from excitement.

"Sorry, I'm ranting now. I'll shut up." She let go of his hand, leaving the poor man startled and trying to get his bearings, until Skulduggery stepped up.

"I am Skulduggery Pleasant, also known as Detective Inspector Me." He extended his arm, (His hand was attached. And the arm was attached to the body, don't worry XD) And Lin shook his hand, obviously relieved at the appearance of someone ordinary. (Yup. Very ordinary.) 

"I'm Lin-Manuel Miranda. It's a pleasure to meet you." He shook the glove.

"The Pleasant is all mine." Valkyrie raised an eyebrow at that, and she saw a quick flash of black around Lin's jean pocket. It was probably nothing. THey stayed and talked for about 2 minutes, as officials came, and police threatened them, so they hopped back in the car. 

"Ah, that was fun." Skulduggery said breezily, as soon as the doors were shut. He started the ignition, and Valkyrie spotted an extra pair of keys hanging from on of his fingers. Her suspicion started to grow as the car started without them.

"Who's keys are they?" She demanded, reaching out to swipe them off him.

"Oh yeah, that guy, what was his name? Bin? Something like that. I was so bored I decided stealing keys might be fun." The statement was met with silence. A shocked, raging silence, that seemed to turn more malicious and deadly by the second. When Valkyrie next spoke, her voice was low and dangerous.

"His. Name. Is. Lin." Her eyebrows knitted together, and she slammed a hand on the dashboard, letting Skulduggery know she meant business. He immediately slammed the brakes on, and looked over frantically to check if his precious Bentley was okay. 

The overwhelming, mouth-watering, delicious scent of meat pie drifted through the slightly open window. All thoughts of conflict were forgotten when Valkyrie stole one of Skulduggery's fingers, and used it to poke the window down some more.

"LUNCH TIME!" Valkyrie shouted, opening the door and jumping out while the car was still moving, leaving her partner to call after her in protest. The good thing about having wicked battle skills, and crazy physical and magical ability was when you wanted to jump out of a car to a bakery to get a meat pie you didn't hurt yourself.

Valkyrie landed on the sidewalk, and straightened up as her partner struggled to find a car park. She strode into the bakery, her heart set on buying a meat pie or fourteen. She walked up to the counter, but something stopped her in her tracks.

There was someone flying around outside. In plain sight of civilians. 

It was Bin-Manuel Miranda. 

And we leave the rest to your imaginations because I'm lazy and want to go back to reading angsty fanfiction :D


Okay but, I looked back and my most seen chapter is 'Dead Men Drunk.' XD I don't know what that says... actually I do. Anyway, next chapter is Skulduggery recounting meeting Alexander Hamilton to Valkyrie :D


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