Request! (Sexter Part 1)

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So, my first ship. Sexter. well... could be worse. I mean, it could be Valduggery. (Cough TWILIGHT cough) so I am going to do one about if Dexter finds Saracen in the rubble after Darquesse's tantrum. sooo... I don't know what I'm doing and what is the point of life! SORRY FOR IT TAKING SO LONG! Enjoy! Or don't. Up to you.

Saracen was in agony. He writhed and struggled to break free of the prison he was trapped in. Stupid Darquesse. Why did she have to go and chuck a building on him? Sure, it wasn't a whole building, but there was enough pain for it to feel like one. He continued to squirm under the pile, hos efforts slowly lessening as he finally ran out of energy. This was it. This is how the Saracen Rue, one of the infamous Dead Men, would go out. Beaten by a bunch of rocks. As his eyes drifted shut, a blinding light pierced his eyelids, snapping them back open. The rubble was blasted away by a beam of light. Saracen moved his head enough to see a hulking shape bend down and pick him up. Then everything went black, and he died. (Just kidding, just kidding. Well, the dying bit.)

Dexter watched as a pile of rubble fell down on top of Saracen- he couldn't do this. He threw down his weapon, ignoring Valkyrie's cries for him to stay put. He jumped off the building, throwing himself into the window below and started sprinting down the staircase. As he neared the bottom, he spotted a set of shiny metal doors opening. There was an elevator? Then Valkyrie running out, right at him. Except her hair was black. And her clothes were rusty re- Darquesse hit him as soon as he realised who it was. The cry from Valkyrie had not been for him or Saracen, but for Darquesse. A very manly scream left his mouth as Darquesse tapped him, and he convulsed, shaking madly on the floor. This was agony. Every muscle was on fire, and he was sure at least six bones had broken in his shoulders. This was it. Dexter thought. This is ow I'm going to die, never knowing my true name, never knowing Saracen's power, never telling him- 

Dexter jolted again. What was he thinking? Saracen was in trouble, and he was Dexter Vex, for goodness sake. He could do this- He would do this. Slowly, Dexter rose to his feet, and watched as a mixture of surprise and disbelief fluttered across her face, before she reached out for him again, her face deciding to settle on anger. He darted out of her way, slipping as soon as he took a step. Darquesse was there in an instant, pressing her finger to his temple,

And nothing happened.

All of a sudden, a black blur came whisking out from the corner of the room, and a navy one came from the ceiling. Valkyrie immediately whacked Darquesse with her gauntlet, and she stumbled back. Meanwhile, Skulduggery flew over to Dexter, grumbling about how he had to check on him while Valkyrie got to fight. Dexter cracked a smile- classic Skulduggery. He struggled to his feet once again, and gave the skeleton a cheesy thumbs up, before running out the door, Darquesse' screams of rage echoing like music in his ears. 

Dexter ran as fast as he could over to the pile of Saracen-killing rocks, and turned on his fairy lights, cutting through the them as if they were Ravel. After about a minute of doing this, he saw a toe- one that looked remarkably handsome. How come Saracen got handsome toes as well? Dexter pulled it, tentatively seeing if Saracen could feel it. No answer. Now, he started to use his hands, grabbing rock after rock, pulling them off Saracen, until he was able to grab him. Dexter lifted the man up into his strong arms, and held him close. He needed a doctor. As he took the first few steps to the Sanctuary, he heard a weak voice whisper his name.

"Dexter." Saracen whispered softly. "I want to tell you something".

And Dexter, for the first time in his life, knew what Saracen's power was.

Another line break!


Saracen woke up in a bed. A bed with colourful sheets. Red, to be exact. He looked around at all the other beds. Looked like he got special treatment! Every other bed in the hospital wing (for that is what he assumed it was) had white sheets. Saracen tried to lift his hand out from under the sheets, but they showed a little resistance, and when he finally pulled his hand out, it was sticky, and the same colour of the sheets.That's when he realised

The hospital wing took very bad care of their patients.

I mean, who would let one of the wounded heroes from the fearsome battle with Darquesse soak in his own blood? Stupid doctors. 

Saracen had just finished that thought,when the door opened and Dexter walked in in all his golden-skinned, crystal-eyed, floppy golden-fringed, infuriating smirk, handsome swagger, his eyebrows creasing in that adorable way...

Saracen shook himself out of the stupor, and cleared his throat, watching as Dexter approached.


Dexter walked into the ward to check on his best friend. That was all Saracen was to him. A best friend. A best friend. A BEST FRIEND. He sighed. no matter how much he told himself that, he knew he wanted Saracen to be something more then a best friend. But his thoughts were so conflicted- Saracen had always considered him as just a friend, and he had probably only risen to the ranks of best friend because they had gone on suicide missions with the rest of the Dead Men, so he would never get the answer he wanted if he asked the question. Ah, the dreaded question, the one everyone was scared of asking or-

Dexter had been so caught up in his train of thought that he had walked straight past Saracen, and was inches from bumping into the wall, when he realised it. Oops. He turned to see Saracen looking at him weirdly like he had just walked past his 'best friend' and into a wall. Which he had. Almost. 

"Um..." Way to go, Dexter. He mentally smacked his forehead, knowing he should be doing the opposite of what he was. 

"Uh, how are you feeling?" He finally started to walk back to Saracen, quickly taking out his phone and putting it back into his pocket. Saracen, one again had this weird half-smile on his face again.

"Pretty good. After all, my best friend came to check on me". He said best friend like he despised the term as much as he did. Maybe Dexter just had to take the step, step off the building, off the cliff, because he knew he would die of embarrassment after he asked and Saracen turned him down. Well. He thought, that was a great train of thought. He rubbed his temples, trying to get rid of the headache before it formed- which obviously wasn't going to work. 


"Are you okay?" Now it was Saracen's turn to ask after the well being of Dexter. He was rubbing his forehead, and starting to go red- wait. Dexter had saved him. He might have gotten hurt? What if Darquesse had cursed him or something? WHAT IF HE WAS ABOUT TO BLOW UP? Saracen started seeing stars, and looked down and grabbed Dexter's hand. He immediately let go and shouted out, before passing out once again.


Dexter had dropped his hands, knowing that putting pressure on his head would only make the headache come sooner, when Saracen grabbed one of them, and screamed at him:

"DON'T EXPLODE!" He then proceeded to fall unconscious again, of the bed.

And right into Dexter's arms. Again.

Hello! No, I didn't die, even though it might seem like I did because I haven't updated in FOREVER, and sorry about that. I will definitely get a second part of this out, but I decided to publish this just because I have kept Over_Write waiting so long. I am so, incredibly sorry for that, so that's another reason why you're getting a part two. Also, because I have no idea where to go from here. Bye! (P.S, can you type 'something RandOm' into the comments if you read these?)

-Plain old Me

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