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Hello Readers. The next chapter is split into two (don't kill me), but this one alone is over 3000 words. There will be trigger points in this section, but if you have stuck with my story for this long, you will know what to expect. If you do not feel comfortable reading those sections, avoid the italic and PM me for an overview...

I trail closely behind Shay, my hands still wrapped tightly around Isla's chair, as I stare in wonder at the wooden monstrosity that is The Barn. Pushing the wheels across the massive stone and concrete interior, I notice that the building has been separated into two floors and converted into what looks like a mixture of office spaces and workout areas.

I shift my head to the side, my eyes darting around the lower level, filled with state-of-the-art gym equipment, a sparring ring, leather couches, and in its center, standing proudly, is a massive cobblestone fireplace. Diverting my gaze up to the mezzanine level, I can see that a large chrome staircase separates it, and from where I'm standing, it seems furnished with desks and other types of business furniture.

Walking towards the fireplace, I notice that off to its left is another staircase, this one leading down to what must be a cellar.

I follow the blonde Adonis until we stop once we reach the top of the iron railing, Shay turning and looking directly down at Isla, a small dimple appearing in his left cheek. "Well, Trouble, you know the drill, ready for a real man to touch you, unlike that other fucker?"

Slightly puzzled by his comment, then recalling the conversation I had with Siobhan earlier, I turn back to Isla, whose lips are pursed and drained of color as she nods once at Shay.

Shay smiles widely at Isla, his white teeth flashing at her basic response. Shay moves forward, arms outstretched, and lifts her from the chair as if she's a baby, her arms wrapping themselves around his broad shoulders as he chuckles. "I knew you couldn't keep your hands off me for too long. Trouble, it's a nice change, you letting me help you."

Turning, he starts moving down the stairs, gesturing me to follow. I swallow deeply and take the stairs one at a time, these steps carved directly out of stone below, as we enter another brick and rock chamber. I take the time to look around, from my position, I can see that the area is filled with wall-to-wall cells, reminding me of the movie with the cannibal, Silence of the Lambs. However, instead of finding Hannibal, the only person I can see behind one of the solid transparent walls is an unconscious Griffin, My Wolf, the sight causing my heart to ache as I stare at him.

The cell that holds his unconscious form is no larger than six by eight feet, containing a single cot, positioned off to the left, where Griffin is currently lying. To the right is a basin and toilet, and directly in front is a small table and chair, positioned against the transparent wall separating him from us.

Seeing his body caged, the ache in my heart cracks further, the pain intensifying when I realize that he's not only locked behind a clear barless cage, but his body is wrapped in chains. "Is that really necessary?" I ask Shay, pointing towards the iron.

"Bambi," he replies, and I scowl at the nickname, "you should be wondering if it's enough, because when he wakes, and he will wake, his wolf is going to be pissed, and I'll be surprised if anything will be able to hold him back."

Swallowing, the need to be close to him, to touch him, is intense, I ask. "How do we get inside?"

"You don't see that panel over there," Shay snorts, pointing towards what looks like a high-tech security pad, "that, hot stuff, is a biometric handprint lock. The only way you'll be getting inside there would be to cut off the Alpha or his 2nd's hand. And I'm not going to be the lucky bastard to try that."

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now