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OMG – firstly, I would like to thank all my readers for continuing with my story to get to this part. It is a massive effort and very much appreciated.

Secondly – to my readers that have been voting, thank you, thank you, thank you. I know as a reader that it is an easy part to skip, but votes actually increase an author's exposure to other readers – so if you do like a chapter – please vote for it.

Thirdly – to my readers that have followed me and have left messages – you have made my week. There is nothing better than getting a little popup from Wattpad telling you that someone has commented. I believe my family may think I am slightly crazy with the squeals of joy I make on each and every one of them – so from the bottom of my heart – thank you.

 I believe my family may think I am slightly crazy with the squeals of joy I make on each and every one of them – so from the bottom of my heart – thank you

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The kaleidoscope of pictures begins to roll again in my subconscious, and I know that our minds must be linking.

Too tired to fight, I ride the wave, my thoughts drifting until I'm dragged under...


"Don't be afraid, my prince. She's coming."

I know Ma is referring to the child in her stomach. I don't know about that, I've seen Viktor's other wives, and all I ever see coming out of the other women are dead lumps of red, not a person like Ciara or me.

Ma groans again. She's trying so hard to be quiet, she told us she doesn't want Viktor to know that it's her time, but he'll know; he always knows.

Ciara squeaks from behind me as she peeks over my shoulder before sticking her face into my back to hide. I don't mind, she's my friend, my little sister, and Ma always says, "Family sticks together." I watch Ma's face scrunch, little lines appearing around her nose, and her top teeth are biting her bottom lip. I guess it's from the pain. I, too, bite the inside of my mouth sometimes to stop myself from crying when I'm scared. I also know it's the same look she makes when she stubs her toe or when Viktor spends time with her. Thankfully, he uses the sheet to stop us from seeing what he's doing.

Shuddering, I look back at Ma. Her cheeks are red and sweaty as she groans again. It's coming quicker now, the little sounds she makes. At the start, there were over 100+ Mississippis between them. Now they're every 10.

I'm moving closer to Ma. She's sitting in her cot, her back against the headboard and legs up and bent. I take her slippery hand in mine, and I squeeze, 'I'm here,' it tells her without sound. It's our special way of talking, or as Ma says, it's our secret way when we don't want Viktor to know what we're saying. Looking down, I can see red liquid on the sheets under her bottom. With each moan, I can see more come out. I should be grossed out, the smell is really bad, but this isn't the first time I've seen this. Viktor always makes me watch all his wives do this, but we're usually in the white room where the big TVs are. I miss TV and music. I wonder what's happening on the Fresh Prince?

THE CLAIMING (The Chosen Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now