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I chose to sit with Isla at breakfast rather than join the clan at the main table.

My decision was primarily made to avoid Liam. Tension is thick at the Ranch this morning, and Erin's phone is still going directly to voicemail. I still don't know what to make of the conversation I overheard between them last night, and it's irritating.

I mean, I'm not precious enough to be jealous of them talking to each other, and at present, I have more significant concerns to deal with. I'm worried about Erin, something isn't right with her, and if I'm honest with myself, it hasn't been since she moved out.

Erin has always been fiercely independent, which is one of her more admirable traits. Thinking back to the conversation we had on my arrival to the Ranch and her supposed knowledge of other supernatural communities outside of my family, those words have been playing on my mind since I woke up. That, combined with my dream about Isla last night, has me on edge.

I decided to park my thoughts and questions about the dream, but I plan to revisit them later. I look out the window, it's mid-morning, and I allow my mind to drift as I sit with Isla, the warmth of the sun soothing my tense muscles as I think back to my time with Erin over the past few years and how our relationship has changed during that period. It was subtle at first, the odd occasional weekend trip away, the rare late-night meeting. Still, as time progressed, even as recently as my holiday to the cabin, her trips have become almost an every other weekend thing, and now she's out more than she's at home. I believed her increased absences to be the direct result of her multiple hookups, but now, I'm not so sure.

Either way, when she finally turns her phone back on, I WILL be getting some answers out of her. I love Erin, she's my family, and if I think about it and stop and allow my gut to speak, I guess... no, I know that there's more going on, she wouldn't have left last night if it was her choice, and I want to help her as she has me.

I tried calling her again, her voice mail greeting me. I sigh in frustration and turn to see Isla staring at me. Her grey eyes were sharper than I have ever seen them, her lips moving and fingers twitching. Taking her hands in mine, I move closer, this time hearing a faint, almost inaudible passing sound on her lips. I tilt my face. My ear poised, I can make out the softly whispered word 'sister', this quickly followed by 'where'.

"Erin?" I ask, eyes focused on her lips.

"Yes," she whispers back, squeezing my hands. I wonder if the others at the Ranch have noticed the subtle changes in Isla. From what I have witnessed over the past 24 hours, I would say no, the men ignore her and the women, or most of them, if they don't openly avoid her, they're downright rude. Assholes.

Nodding, I offer her a gentle smile, "I'm sorry, Isla, Erin had to leave," eyes dulling, her head dropping almost imperceptibly.

I pull her in for a hug, and speak directly in her ear, hopefully quietly enough to ensure that I'm not overheard, "She'll be back, Isla," I reassure, "and even if she doesn't, I promise you, I'll take you with me when I leave."

Going to release her, I feel her arms tighten around me, her face burying itself in my shoulder as I stroke her hair. What happened to you, beautiful girl? I think to myself as we embrace. And why are you hiding from everyone?

"I'm glad to see you two getting along so well," Siobhan comments as she comes towards us. Feeling Isla loosen her hold, I let her go and gaze up.

I smile back at Siobhan, forcing it to meet my eyes. I don't know what to make of her, she seems to care for Isla, but I have to question her motives sometimes. Even if her intentions are pure, it doesn't take a blind man to see that something is going on, and it's time to find out.

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