~Chapter 1 [Edited]~

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Hyejoo's P.O.V

It was the first day of freaking school and I was on my way with a goddamn suitcase. I stared outside the window and wished for the time to just slow the fuck down. "Ugh do i have to go mum?" I groaned reaching for the stereo in hopes of taking my mind away from the idea of a camp on the first week of school.

"Yes it's important that you go, you can meet new friends and just interact and get used to all the girls in your year level" mum replied, rolling her eyes at me and focusing on the on going traffic we were currently in.

"what bloody bullshit" I mumbled looking back at the window. I had just recently started at this new school, having dropped out of my old school because my parents had recently moved and sadly brought me and Hyunjin as their only children. I lost all the friends I had formed good relationships with and I am now currently having to restart the whole process of making friends again. I was tired of this shit, I didn't want to do it making new friends, meeting new teachers just socialising in general I wasn't thrilled by it, but of course I knew I had no choice but to do so.

Time wasn't in my freaking favour and we had already arrived at school, I walked out and took my suitcase. I made my last and final attempt to try and convince mum to just forget about the camp and bring me home but of course to my expectations she was not convinced and reminded me about how good of an opportunity to get a kick start in my final year of highschool and just settle in as quickly as I could. She then gave me a final hug and told me that everything was going to be alright and gave me a little shove towards the front of the gates.

I don't remember much of what happened throughout my journey to the campsite but I do remember how many times I wanted to leave and jump out of the bus. I really could not believe this was happening to me, whats worse was that I had no one to sit next to me on the bus despite Hyunjin being my sibling but she decided to socialise earlier than me and as a consolation prize I sat next to the teacher. The teachers are as bad as I thought they were going to be. Her name was Mrs. Jungeun she was rather sweet, I guess she noticed how nervous I was and offered to give me some advice on how to just settle in and have fun. I took all her advice with a smile and went to sleep.

The bus came to a halt and I woke up rather energised, I still wasn't in the best mood but at least I had more energy to do whatever it was they were wanting us to do. I stepped out of the bus and saw students taking their belongings and walking towards the buildings up on the hill, I followed and sat down plonking my stuff on the ground. Mrs. Jungeun stood there and patiently waited for all of us to arrive and began talking. She gave out a list of rules that we had to obey while we stayed here and told us what was basically going to be happening throughout the 3 days we were in this camp. Lastly, she began calling out names for who was going to be with who in the dorms.

"okay girls so in last dorm for the upstair dormitories we have Im Yeojin, Kim Jiwoo, Ha Sooyoung, Choi Yerim, Son Hyejoo and Park Chaewon. Make your way to the dorms, settle in, take care of one another and make sure to have fun. Mrs. Jungeun enthusiastically spoke out.

I grunted out of sarcasm and stood up dragging my belongings in a tired and awkwardly like fashion, the stairs were wooden which creaked as you walked up it, All the girls tried to be quiet but it was no use and they gave up trying running straight up the stairs creating the most racket out of everyone. I was walking up quite slowly because I was shitting myself, I knew absolutely no one, none of the names Mrs. Jungeun called out seemed familiar so I ended up walking into the dorm as quietly as I could in hopes of not attracting all of them to look at me.

As I walked in I noticed that the five other girls were already talking and getting to know each other, as they were all sat in a circle playing uno. I felt incredibly antisocial and what made it worse was the fact that they all had just noticed me and were now staring at me, I froze and took a deep breath before walking towards them. "H-hey. I'm Son Hyejoo but you can just call me Hyejoo, or even Olivia if that makes it easier for you. I'll be happy to know each and every one of you" I tried to say, adding a pinch of sarcasm.

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