~Chapter 5: If only you know it's you...~

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A few months into school

Hyejoo's P.O.V

I was slowly getting used to school, mainly because of Chaewon and my new friends. We're still talking and being crazy, but not as much as the first weeks of school. My feelings for Chaewon are still growing and I seem to can't stop thinking about her even if I try to. She would bring a smile to my face every day. The little princess is so cute and attractive that I just can't stop myself from staring at her loving face. But Chaewon probably and will never know anything about my feelings, we continue to act like friend although deep down inside I wanted more. I want her to be my tiny butterfly, my little princess. 

Chaewon keeps on blabbering about that Jamie guy during our electives which makes me wanna throw a table. I still can't get over the fact that she is talking about someone that could potentially hurt her. During breaks she rarely hangs out with me and my friends. Instead, she hangs out with the cool kids: Vivi, Haseul, Yoongi, Lisa, Jennie, Renjun, Jisung, and that bitch Jaemin whatever his name is. I've seen that the two of them got closer which pisses me off. They always sit together and no matter how tempting it is to beat his ass up once again I just can't. Look how happy Chaewon looks, with... him.

It was the fourth period and I had Drama. I slowly walked into the room and saw Chaewon with a very bright face.

'Hey, what's with the happy face?' I spoke out of curiosity.

'Hehe, Jaemin just asked me to go to the movies with him' She said bubbly. She never stops being cute whenever she talks about Jaemin and I always cringed over it. I hate it whenever we do electives this is the first thing she brings up, Jaemin, Jaemin, Jaemin. It's starting to irritate me whenever she talks about him, why can't she talk about someone else like me?

We carried on with the lesson, boring as it can ever get. There were only 5 minutes left until lunchtime. 

Chaewon's P.O.V

After I sad my old friend Haseul, I decided to sit with her gang during break time. I'm very happy with them but I also wish Hyejoo could sit with us. We could've had so much fun together but I know that will never happen because of Jaemin.

When I found out Jaemin was in the gang, I begged Haseul if we can join a different ground. Being the stubborn person she is, she didn't approve so I had to cope with that bitch. But it was surprising that the immediately apologized to me. That day he broke up with his girlfriend. It broke his heart so much that he needed to drink alcohol to relieve the pain. You know I kinda feel bad for the bloke. It took us some time but we became very good friends and we always talk about random shit every entertaining day. The tension and discomfort faded away and I enjoyed every second of every minute with him. It didn't take me long to realize that I have feelings for him.

It was lunchtime and we sat in our normal spots as usual. Hyejoo, Jaemin, and I were back to back. It was kinda uncomfortable since that incident. Today Jaemin looked even brighter and cuter than any other day. I was eating my salad when Jaemin lightly tapped my back. Startled, I looked at him, his face was heating up with a tint of red. Is Jaemin ok? And what's the occasion?

'So, uh... I gotta tell you something' He said awkwardly

'Sure, go ahead'

'I was wondering.. if... you could you know'

'No I don't know and what's with you being nervous it's starting to creep me out'

'I was wondering if you wanna date me?' he spoke quickly, turning around and covering his red face.

'OH MY GOD!! Of course YES!!' I said excitedly and very loudly. 

Shit! Hyejoo was right behind us...

A very very quick flashback

'You touch her one more time and I will slit your throat open got it?'


The one thing I fear most might happen soon. Our friendship might be over because of one dude, Jaemin...

Hyejoo P.OV

So she had feelings for him all along. How? How could she like that son of a bitch? My eyes started to tear up, my heart aching after the last sentence. I excused myself and hurried to the bathroom, hoping that no one would go running after me, especially the little princess. I locked myself in a cubicle and let out a huge sigh, mixed with anger, sadness, and confusion. 

'Hyejoo are you in here? Are you ok?' Hyunjin said calmly, approaching my cubicle. I just wanted to be left alone

'Piss off, fucking leave me alone' I said in anger, trying to hold back my tears.

'YAH! Do you not realize that I'm still your sister, so can you please come out and tell me what's the matter?' I opened the cubicle, giving my defeated kind of look. Just looking at my sister's loving and caring face makes me wanna cry. I ran into her arms, letting out all of my tears onto her hoodie. Hyunjin caressed my head, telling me that everything is going to be ok.

'Why am I so emotional? Why can't I get over the fact that Chaewon has a boyfriend now?' I exclaimed. 

'Shhhhhh... Wolfie calm down. I'm sure we can both figure this out together and you're getting my hoodie wet.' She said while giggling, still caressing my head.

I breathed in and out heavily, trying to calm myself. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were bloodshot and sorta puffed. It's so hard not to think about Chaewon. She's my best friend, I guess I just have to continue to act like her BFF. The door swung open as the little figure walked into the bathroom. It was Chaewon, the one person I don't want to see right now, especially the part when she's looking at my vulnerable self.

'Oh, shit Hyejoo are you ok? Tell me what happened?' She was panicked and didn't know what to do. She ran to me and checked up on me like how I did when she was with Jaemin.

Hyunjin left the bathroom, she winked at me and mouthed 'everything is going to be ok'. I let out a weak smile before facing Chaewon

''m ok, I just had some cramps that's all' I lied. Chaewon wasn't buying into it and gave me an 'are you serious?' type of look. I wanna be better at lying.

'Ok fine, I realized that the person I liked doesn't like me back. Don't worry I'm sure I can get over her.' It wasn't the whole truth but I tried to give my honest look. Chaewon hugged me tightly, saying that she's sorry even though she doesn't know it's her fault. If only you knew that the girl was you...

A/N: YO WASSUP! Did I tire y'all out yet? I know it's probably getting really boring but plz bear wimme. I don't have a good experience when it comes to romantic stories hehe. The nxt chapt is probably gna b rlly shitty but ur pain is my happiness (jkjk ily)

Until the nxt chapter, stay safe and eat a shit tonne of rice 

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