~Chapter 15: I leave~

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Chaewon's P..O.V

It was Sunday and it was like any normal Sundays. Had brunch with family, continued with unfinished homework then had extra time to practice my dance. Yeah I know how shocking but I'm pretty decent at it. I thought my Sunday would be normal but not this is one no. During brunch I couldn't help but have a weird feeling or aura when I'm with mum. She looked suspicious and she stared at me the whole time. Talk about weird huh? But what did I do wrong? Was someone behind me? If I couldn't get it out of my head, then confronting her would be the only option. 

I walked downstairs and saw mum who was sitting on her desk. She looked as if she was really concentrated and it seems pretty important with a glass of whiskey beside her.

'Mum why are you drinking?' I asked worried. I didn't know my mum would be an alcoholic. The only time I saw her drinking was only on special occasions like weddings and birthdays.

'Ahh, Chaewon sit. I need to talk to you.' I did what she commanded and sat on the bed.

'Chaewon. I know this may be shocking but I need to ask this question. Are you gay?' She blurted out after a few seconds of silence. I was in total shock. I thought this was going to be another lecture about school or life but this is very unexpected.

'Mum why would you say that? I'm not gay.' I half lied.

'Chae don't lie to me. I saw your DM's with Yerim about this girl while you were sleeping and I also listened in to your conversation with her. Chae please you can't like her. Why can't you go back with your boyfriend Jae? I really like him and I think he would be a great asset to our family.' She enthusiastically said. I looked at her in horror and anger. I hate that little cunt and never in my life would I want him to be apart of our family. Speaking of that I'm fucking 16 and she's already talking about my future?! He just wants to be with me for sex and that pisses the fuck out of me. And I can't believe my mum had the audacity to sneak up to my room and go through my messages and listen to our 'private' conversation. 

'First of all, I can't believe you had the audacity to invade my privacy by sneaking up to my room and going through my DM's and then you eavesdrop our conversation? And second of all no way am I getting back with that snake. He only cares about having sex.'

'Chae you know that I'm doing this for your own good right. And you know wouldn't it be nice if I was a grandma?' Again I was total shock. The I realized that she doesn't and never cares for me but only herself. I'm like what 16 fucking years old and it's fucking illegal to have sex at that age, let alone have a child.

'Mum! Do you not care about me? Why can't you let me have my own life? Why can't you trust me to have a normal life for once? I get it you want a child but it's to early for that. Did you forget the fact that I'm 16 years old? Didn't you and dad teach me to always follow my heart and find someone that I care so much about?' I aggresively spoke 

'This is different. She's a gir. Chae-'

'Don't you fucking Chae me mum! You don't care about anyone else but youtself! God why can't yoube at least happy that I listened to that advice and following my heart to Hyejoo? I only live once and Hyeoo is the only one that I really wanna be with. I hate it when you toy me and constantly telling me to do what you wanna do. I hate that you always boss me around and only choose the subjects that I have to focus on. Like who cares about fucking maths. Then you decide about my future and I don't? What was the purpose of me being born? So I can act like a high tech robot and you controlling me? I swear to God mum do you really know how to take care of a child? I don't think so. You know what fuck this faily. I can't live with you or dad any longer, you both piss the fuck out of me! I'm leaving and I'm never coming back. And don't you fucking lay a hand on me or say sorry cause I know that you're really not!'

I stormed out of the room and barged into my room to pack my clothes and stuff them n my sports bag. I was too angry and pissed to even start crying. I hate both of them controlling me like a doll or a robot. I could honestly write an essay on how I hate this fucking fammily. It took me quite a while but I'm done packing. I went out of the room and to the door. I took one last look of them who just stood there in disbelief that their daughter is leaving.

'Don't expect me to come back' and that was the last thing that came out of my mouth before I exited the jail.

Hyejoo's P.O.V

It's a dark and rainy night and I was getting ready to finish off my dance that I have choreographed for fun. It was one of those nice and calm days when no one is interfering withwhat you're doing. Well that's what I thought at least. I turned on my k-pop playlist and went through the dance steps as usual. But I kinda had fun and started to sing along to the song.

'In order to release your hand right now

I gotta let you know that I need to let you go

Hard to say Goodbye

But I can't run

I'm ready to let g-'

'HYE! Someone is here to see you. Get out of your room right now!'

I paused the song, fixed myself up and came out of the room to meet who was at my front door. But when I came out I saw a familiar face that made me froze, placing both of my hands on my face. I was gutted and shocked to see Chaewon at my front door, all drenched from the rain and holding what I think was her sports bag. I quickly walked to the bathroom and searched for a dry towel. I rushed to the soaked girl and place the towel over her head, desperately trying to dry her.

'Chae are you ok? What happened? Why are you here? Who did this to you?' I instantly bombard her with questions.

She slowly opened her mouth. 'I-I don't feel so goo-'

The blonde slowly closed her eyes and fainted to the ground again but I got lucky and caught her in my arms before she made an impact to the ground. It feels like déjà vu all over again.

'Don't worry I got you. I got you. I'll keep you safe no matter what.' I carrid her to the bathroom where mum commanded to bring me some of my clothes. As soon as she helped Chaewon get dry I can't help but think what just happened out there. It was so out of the blue, and this never happened ever. When I thought our friendship was over here she is in front of my house unconscious. I suddenly have this feeling of my heart getting pinched. After all this time she never got out of my head like she's the most important person to me ever. Like I have a responsibility to take care of the older.

'I still love you Park Chaewon. And I always will' I thought to myself as I carried her to my bedroom.


Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter hehe. I'm sorry if I've made any errors I don't usually proof-read my work haha. Anyways I'll c u in the next update :))

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