~Chapter 3 [Edited]~

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Chaewon's P.O.V

It was the second to last period at school and I'm already exhausted apart from it being my first week of school. I bid my goodbyes to my classmates before walking to the music room. I was trying to find a friend who might study music as well so I took extra precaution for those who are walking towards the same classroom. I was totally lost into the thought of having a companion in my class that I started to space out while walking, bumping in a tall figure.

'I'm so sorry about that' I apologized while hurriedly picking up my books as I was late, I lightly bowed, looking up to see my camp roomate?

'It's fine don't worry about it. Oh so I see you're doing music too?' Hyejoo said in her usual deep yet calming voice that I have not heard from in a while.

'Mhm, do you think we might have the same lesson after? I got drama what about you?' I asked out of curiosity.

The girl looked like she was in deep thought trying to remember but later given up after the time she wasted thinking, so she took out her diary and went through her timetable. 'Omo I have drama as well' she smiled back at me.

My face suddenly beamed with excitement, happy that I won't get to be alone despite having many other friends. I squealed in excitement then came back to my senses and pretended like nothing happened.

'C'mon, let's go to the music room before we get out asses beaten up by the teacher. RACE YA!'

Hyejoo's P.O.V

We both entered the room out of breath to find Mrs. JinSol who was obviously not in a good mood. We're not that late are we? I looked down to see the time on my watch... fuck we're 5 minutes late.

'So you two had to absolute audacity to late in my classrom? Well, as punishment go to the corner and keep your hands up, and keep them up until I say so.' She sternly commanded

We had no choice but obeyed, went to the corner of the class and raised our hands up, smiling at each other. Everyone was looking at us and not paying attention to the lesson, bringing the both of us more first-hand embarrassment. We tried to gain attention towards something else but the attention we received made our faces turn bright red. I looked at Chaewon and mouthed sorry. When Mrs. JinSol wasn't looking, Chaewon smacked my head, mouthing back 'You're so stupid you know that right'. The smack was so loud enough for everyone including the teacher to look at us. The room was dead silent while I'm trying my best to not show any form of pain.

'Well this is a great start to the year'

Fast forward to like a week or 2

Chaewon and I now always sit next to each other every elective, causing havoc basically in every lesson we take, talking non-stop like our lives depend on it. We were basically inseparable at this moment aSometimesnd at some cases I overheared other students call us Hyewon cause we would be together 24/7. I mean if that's the case Chaewon would never like someone like me, she's straight, she would never like someone like me.

Chaewon's P.O.V

At the end of the lesson I did my usual business walking towards my locker with music blasting in my ear, blocking any sounds that could disturb my peace. As I got closer to my destination I turned off my device only to hear a very loud 'Hey!'. I turned around to see where the noise came from just to be pinned by the lockers. I was shocked, honestly too stunned to speak.

'Hey, you look gorgeous...wanna head to my house later and get to know each other more?' the boy said while leaning in awfully close to me which made me very uncomfortable. I still couldn't find my words and was still very scared, hoping that maybe someone can see the situation and help me out. I took the courage and act like the cold person that I am.

'Bitch who do you think you are? I'm not interested so please fuck off' I replied in a sassy tone

'I'm Jaemin but you can call me daddy.' He started touching my hair, inhaling the scent off of it. He moved closer that our faces were too close. Someone please get me out of this hellhole.

'YAH! YOU JERK! GET OFF OF HER!' I hear a girl scream at the end of the hallway, the deep voice I yearned for.

'This is not your business, piss off!' He said annoyingly, giving her a 'go away' type of look

'Actually, it is my business she's my fucking girlfriend, now do as I say and get the fuck off of her' Hyejoo said sternly.

He didn't move so Hyejoo started to run towards the guy, pushing me out of the way before giving him a good beating. He groaned in pain and cowardly asking her for mercy.

'Next time you touch her, I'm going to slit that throat of yours open, got it?' She warned

I've never seen this side of Hyejoo before. When she beat up that guy, she looked cool, bold, and very scary at the same time. She looked...hot

Hyejoo ran to me, checking up on me and constantly asking if I was ok, she gave me a very tight hug, stroking my hair. For the first time in a very long time, I felt very safe in her arms. I hugged her back, patting her back. We stood in this position for around a minute or two, Hyejoo broke the hug and looked and me again, staring into my eyes still giving that worried look. Our faces were inches away but somehow, I didn't feel one bit uncomfortable unlike the other guy.

'WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING KISS ALREADY!!' They giggled then continue to walk to the canteen.

Hyejoo pushed me away softly, obviously heard what Yeojin said, and was getting uncomfortable.

'Are you sure you're ok? And sorry for calling you my girlfriend, just wanted to get you out of the situation as fast as possible.'

'Yeah that's fine and don't worry about me I'm okay, thanks for saving my ass back there.' I don't know if I was doing but my heart was taking over me, I instinctively went on my tippy toes and leaned in to give the brunette a little kiss on the cheek.

She just stood there, giving out no emotions whatsoever and looked blanked out. Her face slowly began to get redder and redder. I placed a hand on my mouth, shocked at my sudden actions. I've never kissed anyone in my life.

'I'm such an idiot' I thought to myself. I'm straight not gay, I like guys so why did I kiss Hyejoo just like that and out of the blue?

'I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that'. Hyejoo was still frozen, not daring to give me a response, still blanked out about the kiss. The lunch bell rang, Hyejoo suddenly got back to her senses and bolted towards the classroom, running into so many students along the way. Shit I fucked up so badly. I then felt something weird in my stomach. Why now? I don't understand, are these butterflies?

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