~Chapter 13: Fast and painful~

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Chaewon's P.O.V

'Jae, can I talk to you for a bit?'

'Why, I have more important things to do right now' Jaemin simply replied

'This is kinda important'

'Lemme fini-' I grabbed his wrist and walked him to somewhere that could give us some privacy.

'Look here's the point, I'm sick of us being the school couple. I hate it whenever you yell at me, beat me up, telling me to cover it up with makeup, yelling at me for the tiniest mistakes, and then talking to other people about us like we're the best couple in the world. Are you really sure that you love me?' I said in a sad but annoyed tone.

'So you wanna break up with me?' He sternly spoke

'I didn't say that now answer my question' I said, getting irritated of him stalling and moving to conclusions.

'Of course, I love you babe why else would you think I didn't confess to you that day?'

Did he just fucking lie in front of my face? I thought he really loves me, that he would do anything and fight for me. My heart pinched in pain, betrayal, anger, and hurt. I can't with him.

'You fucking liar'

'Babe, what are you talking about?'

I took out my phone and showed him a photo of him and Jeno holding hands at the park. I looked at the photo heartbroken then faced to see my boyfriend who was in total shock.

'Who took that photo?'

'Why do you care? So, is that your new boyfriend that you've been dating behind my back?'

'I, uh...'

'Jaemin tell me the truth. I know when you're lying so you better not make any dumb excuses.'

'Fine. Yes, it's Jeno and I and we recently just dated. Look Chaewon I'm really sorry for not telling you, I loved you so much that I don't want you to get hurt. I'm really sorry'

'Why would you do that to me Jaemin? We've been dating for over 6 months and this is what you do? To your own girlfriend!'

'Yah! It's not my fault your so slow! If only you were faster I wouldn't have dated Jeno. Besides you haven't even let me take your V card (A/N: eww)yet.'

'Hyejoo was right you're a player. You want nothing but sex. Well sorry, I'm so slow. Go to fucking hell. Stay the fuck away from me and don't ever talk to me ever again.'

'Are you breaking up with me? Because I know for a fact that you can't live without me and you can't be happy without me!'

'Well, not anymore you mother fucker. I'm sure there'll be more people that would be happy to date me. And yes, we're done and dusted'

I stormed out of the room and into the bathroom. I enter a cubicle nearest me and quietly cried, hoping no one can hear me. I'm such an arsehole for falling in love with a lying player.

'Chaewon Is that you?' The footsteps approached closer and stopped in front of my cubicle. The person knocks on the cubicle, then again.

'Chaewon please open the door' she spoke with a voice so soothing and comfortable. I slowly turned the lock and opened the door, instantly running to the brunette and hugging me, crying on her shoulder.

'Chaewonnie, it's ok. I'm here you can cry all you want.' The baby boss once said.

I sobbed once more before breaking the hug.

'I did it'

'Did what' She asked in confusion

'I broke up with him, Jaemin'

Hyejoo's P.O.V

It was honestly music to my ears when I heard that they broke up. But I'm her friend so I should hold in my happiness and comfort her as much as possible but only as a friend cause she will never have feelings for me. Honestly, I was the that took that photo of Jeno and Jaemin and sent it to Chaewon as an anonymous person. I knew he was a player from the very beginning but she wouldn't listen and shrug it off but also that I just didn't want to see her heart get broken again.

'Shh, shh. It's ok, you don't have to tell me that. You know that whatever happens, I'll be there for you no matter what as a friend or not. I have your back'

'Y-you were r-r-right Hyejoo. He was a player and I can't b-believe he would lie in front of m-m-my face' She said while looking at the floor, defeated. I lifted her chin up to see her eyes were puffy and bloodshot, then I closer to her face noticed what seemed like a bruise on her cheek. I gently brushed it and making sure it wasn't make-up. She let out a small wimp and tried to cover it but I was obviously too strong for her to let go of my hand.

'Did he do this to you?' She nodded in agreement. I was in more range than I originally was. First, he treats her like shit, and now this? If there was a day that I want to kill that fucking cunt, it would be now. But I need to help Chaewon first.

Chaewon's P.O.V

After all, that's happened between Hyejoo and I, is she really helping me out. She should be angry and leaving me all alone, shouldn't she? Fuck! Just right after Hyejoo consulting me my head is suddenly in so much pain and I don't know why. I forcefully shut my eyes and reopen them to see if I was fine but it got worse. My vision suddenly became blurry until I saw nothing but a blurry figure in front of me. I groaned in pain which is unbearable and knelt to the ground.

'Chaewon, Chaewon. What's wrong?' She said while lightly slapping my face.

'I... I don't know. After what happened with Jaemin and you, everything is coming to a blur. Like it happened so fast in a short amount of time. It's too much to proce-'

Nothing but darkness...

Hyejoo's P.O.V

Why? Why now does this have to happen to Chae? She doesn't and never deserves this. It should be me that should be punished not her. I gently placed my hand on her shiny round forehead.

'Shit, you're burning up.' I placed Chaewon on my back and started to run to the nurses' room.

'Chae. Don't scare me like that.' I said in a scared tone

'I'm... s-sorry for scaring y-you. I-I didn't know that I w-was going to be like t-this' She tried to say on my back while I try to find the nurses' room.

'Please help, she fainted on me, she was burning up and I didn't know what's wrong.' I asked in desperation.

'Place her on the bed' was the only command the nurse told me to do

I didn't want to let her go but I did what she commanded me to do and began to treat her with medicine. I prayed and begged God for the blonde to be alright. I gripped her hand tightly and never left her for even a second but eventually, the bell rang and I have to go to my next period.

'Get better soon' I said as I let go of her hand and planted a gentle kiss on the head.


Istg I think I have an obsession of making other people cry in the bathroom lmao.

I hope y'all like this chapter and I'm sorry I might not regularly post new chapters cause I don't think I cbs.



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