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The world is a complicated place to live in, they say. But what's worse is living in your own thoughts and feelings that you don't really want to deal with and also probably embracing your flaws. Life has been hell since I transferred into this new environment- which I awfully found really really draining. It was the sunny month of August when my parents decided to transfer in this..

"Damn, I should sound nice. I forgot I'm a freshman.. a freshman who hates writing stupid essays and reaction papers to something that doesn't make sense at all!" Catelyn sighed as she crumbled the fifteenth piece of paper throwing it improperly everywhere in her place trying to think of a nicer way to create a piece that would make her feel elastic. Minutes and hours has been spent and all she can do is write how she feels about her family deciding to transfer to a so called "whole new world" and reminiscing the old days of her singing through the wide green meadows, running through the breeze of the wind and gazing to every type of insect when she was still living in her Grandma's cottage.

"I should just go to sleep, I hate this and I hate everyone and everything" she stumbled back to her bed cuddling her stuffed animal ".. except for you!" without any hesitation, she decided to close her eyes in the dazzling night of space and stars above her head with a glimpse of melodies and lullabies that helped her sleep in a peaceful manner amidst the fact of her not finishing her assigned task.

It was three in the morning and the sun has not risen yet but Catelyn was awoken from her slumber. She decided to go downstairs and get a glass of fresh milk hoping it would help her get back to sleep. Unfortunately, she couldn't sleep anymore. That's when she realised she's just going to do her essay regarding of the given topic, My Mind in a Nutshell.

The world is a complicated place to live in, they say. But what's worse is living in your own thoughts and feelings that you don't really want to deal with and also probably embracing your flaws. My mind has been always here inside of me telling things that my heart shouldn't do. My mind is a trap which I don't have a key to get through.
Unheard voices of tragic thoughts and everything. It's a place where I think everything began - loneliness and hopelessness as top tiers.

"Ew, three AM me is so dramatic" she thought as she wrote the remaining words which says:

But my mind is the key that I've been longing to find and to help me get through everything. With the touch of hope and a little change of my mindset, everything will be all right.

"Well, that was tough! I won't mind proofreading this piece I'll just pray that my Professor won't pay attention to my paper LOL" and with that being said, Catelyn packed up her things early in the morning and gave herself a bath. Later on, she put on her school uniform. She brushed her long, ebony hair and giving her the look of as if it was the wave of the ocean perfectly brushed through her pale face. Her eyes were as brown as the deepest nor brightest colour of the Sahara or the honey. She pampered up but she wasn't really that in need of heavy make-up. Everything in her is the definition of perfect. She has this aroma of a princess- like it was hidden on her but it was visible.

"Time to hate High School again!" she waved good bye to her parents as the school bus arrived.

It was a mere sudden only of a moment when they got to school. She got herself together and told herself not to do anything stupid - but she still hates going here.

"What's up, Cate?" an unfamiliar voice greeted her from the corridors as she was trying to find her hand sanitizer. Eventually, she ignored it. She wasn't really that friendly and free-going type of person. She's not shy either. Let's just say she is a picky person.

"This class is boring." Catelyn told herself to every class that she's in. "I can't wait for this day to end or this school to end"

"Don't worry, everything will end soon. The world will turn gray and there will be nothing left but dust and dirt. I hope we can still witness the shadows of the rainbows" her seatmate, Abbie, who was secretly listening to every complain Catelyn has uttered, told her.

"I'd rather see Aliens than people and rainbows" Catelyn replied.

"True. Aliens are more real than these people."

"People are boring. Everything is boring. Life is boring."

"Mine's sad."

"Tell me about it."

"I can't. I don't even know you."

"I'm Catelyn. I'm kinda new here."

"I'm Abbie."

"Nice meeting and talking to you, Abbie. Not gonna lie you were the first one that I was able to talk to here."

"You are too. I don't really like it here and everything here is a disaster."

"Except for us."

"Silence! Pay attention to my class, Abbie and Catelyn!" the Professor stopped them from talking. But it didn't stop Catelyn look through her so called newly found friend, Abbie.

Abbie's face reflected to the ray of the sun giving it's pulse of beauty that's seen from within. She's pale and her lips were as perfect as it should be refining the colour of a fresh apple. Her eyes were as blue as the deepest shade of the sea. Her hair were thick but it suits her perfectly.

Everyone else has been in a complete blur as Abbie's eyes gazed directly through Catelyn's. It's like she saw the universe inside her eyes and she has too. The longer that they stare, the deeper they go through each other's stardust. But that was interrupted as the bell rang.

Catelyn didn't know what to do and she's stuck with that one wondrous moment. But she thought it was all just inside her mind.

Abbie invited her around and that's how our picky Catelyn finally had a friend.

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