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"Where have you been?" Catelyn's step-mother asked. "It's 9 PM. You are home late."

"Not now, please. I have a lot of things to do." Catelyn uttered, not really giving attention to what the question is.

"Catelyn, did you do something bad again? I hate going back to your guidance counselor you know!"

"Then don't. I didn't ask you to."

"Catelyn, I'm your mom." Her step mother tried to convince her. But Catelyn didn't want her to be her mother. No one could ever compare with the thought of her real mom.

"My dad married you. But that doesn't make you my mother."

"Catelyn, I know it's hard. But please, accept me. I'm your mom now, take it or leave it."

"Whatever." Catelyn seemed down and out. She didn't want to eat dinner. Her appetite was lost since the moment she thought of her mom. Her real mom. She missed her.

"I definitely hate it here. I hate paperworks. I hate doing this!" Catelyn told herself. She didn't even remember what topic Professor Ann gave to her. All she has in mind right now is how she spent her day with Abbie - trying to escape the mere thought of reminiscing about her Mom; how she witnessed the stars inside Abbie's eyes which she knew that it felt way more real than when they were stargazing earlier. The moment when she almost stumbled upon the ladder yet Miss Adrenaline Abbie was there to catch her. When they realise they were late and Abbie saved the day. She realised that she told Abbie that she might "like" it here - which gave her a pump to motivate herself in order to be a better version of Catelyn. That night she promised that she will be a different Catelyn - a motivated Catelyn.

"Damn it! This is my last paper. I swear I need to think! What even is a poem! Well, motivated Catelyn is now a giving up Catelyn. I'm just going to sleep." Catelyn was ready to sleep when she heard her mobile phone giving off a "beep" sound which adheres that someone gave her a message. But it was a number that wasn't from her contacts. It gave her a little anxiety to open but she did it anyways.

"What's up, Cates?"

"Cates?" she was confused. But Catelyn knew it was from someone she was expecting.

"Hello! Who's this? I assume this is Abbie :)"

"Well, you got a nice guess! It's me!"

"Prove it! In one word; that you're Abbie."

"Look what I did there!"

"Damn, you dummy!"

"Haha :D I told you, it's me!"

"How did you get my number? Where did you get it?"

"I do not mean to sound like a stalker but I saw it on your ID Sling earlier!"

"You are a stalker! >:(!"

"How's your poem going, Cates?"

"I gave up. I didn't do it. I couldn't find anything. I don't know, well."

"Find what?"

"A motivation to do it?"

"Well, I'll help you. Just sleep for now! We are to pass it in a week so there's no need to rush! :)"

"Thanks, Abs!"

"Good night Cates! <3"

"Good night!"

Just a little moment of even the simplest form of conversation of Abbie and Catelyn, Catelyn sees it as another thread of their bond and connection that is already forming something inside Catelyn that would only make her mind go "Abbie, Abbie, Abbie." The thought of Abbie would make her smile and forget every hatred that she has on this place. Like it's giving her another shot in life. She couldn't stop thinking about her so then she decided to make their thread longer.

"Abs! :) You up?"

"Yes! :) what's up?"

"Nothing really important. Just wanted to know if you were asleep or not."

"Thinking of me?"


"LOL! :) Go to sleep Catelyn!"

"I can't. I can't sleep without even having a single theme about the poem that I will write"

"Well Professor Ann told us that it should be meaningful, right :)"

"yes whatever I don't care LOL"

"See! That's why you can't think. You need to focus and think!"

"But something is distracting me."


"I don't know. I can't tell either!"

"Well maybe because you just lack of sleep LOL"

"Yeah. Maybe. But promise me you will help me to make a poem!"



Catelyn felt a sudden skip of her heartbeat when she read the line which Abbie asked what is distracting her. She almost said "You". And by that moment she knew- she might be into Abbie. But no she isn't. She's confused. She forced herself that it was just some type of admiration. Just an admiration. She's not into Abbie; and it would be weird if she's in love with a girl like her.

The night bit the day and the moon started to show off it's phases. The stars aren't seen from afar anymore. Catelyn saw a stack of papers on her Mom's cabinet. She was curious and decided to collect it. There she saw a bunch of poems that were addressed to her Mom. Each card has an initial written on it. She was quite confused because she knew it wasn't her Father's. But she thought of something- using the poems that she found and pass it to her Professor. Catelyn fell asleep with the thought of confusion but she didn't mind it anyway.

On the other side, Abbie was busy writing her poem. Or was it a poem? She looked at her messages and she read her conversations with Catelyn. After realizing that she promised her that she will help her with writing a poem, she searched for her best collection of poems.

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