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Catelyn and Abbie proceeded to look for the book that they were going to read for their research in their school library. They spent hours searching for it.

"Aren't we late for the next class, Cates?" Abbie asked.

"Cates. Cool nickname for me, Abs." Catelyn teased while reaching for the book that was put on a shelf that is a foot taller than her.

"I'm serious! Let's get going!"

"Who cares about next class?"

"Well that class is where we are about to pass the essay about our Minds in a Nutshell, Catey!"

"Shit!" Catelyn shouted as she stumbled upon the ladder she's into holding the book that they are going to use. Luckily, Abbie saved the day and catched her.

"Jesus! Cates! Be careful! I can't carry you!"

"Well, you did!"

"All thanks to Miss Adrenaline, I guess."

"Yeah! Let's get going!"

Their laughters filled the corridors while running back to their classroom.

"How long is your essay, Cates?"

"I don't really know I wrote it in like three in the morning"

"Three in the morning? I'm pretty sure it's a dramatic one!"

"It barely even has words in it, dummy!"

"How dare you call me dummy?"

"Well, dummy, how long is your essay?"

"Well Professor Ann told us to have a 200-word essay so 200 it is!"

"She told us to write two hundred?"

Their heavy breaths while running has turned to a complete silence when they saw their Professor was already inside the classroom. They tried to sneak in but they couldn't. No trace of the room would allow them to escape their Professor. Their classmates start to stare at them, giving the Professor a signal of something that is happening.

"You're late in my class. Where have you been?"

"Sorry, Professor. It's just Catelyn had to go to the school clinic." Well, then again, Abbie saved the day.

"Well. Come in and pass your essays."

The two politely did as what they are told to do so.

"Thanks!" Catelyn winked at Abbie.

"You're welcome, troublemaker!" Abbie whispered back.

They both settled down on their seats as Professor Ann tackled about Poems and Proses.

Catelyn and Abbie wasn't paying attention. They exchange messages through passing papers, instead.

Moments forward, Professor Ann caught them. She then decided to punish them - but in the best way. She called them both to her office in the afternoon, telling them that they both have a task that they are going to pass next week.

Professor Ann's office was a reflection of who she is. Catelyn gazed up to her things only with her eyes. Abbie is nervously having an anxiety attack but she's trying not to show it. The two knew that this Professor isn't gonna hurt them so badly, which gave Catelyn the thought of not behaving well. Abbie, on the other hand, started to think a variety of things that she's really not going to like. Each corner of the room, a piece of literature is found. Papers and dimes and countless pens are in her table. The smell of the books that was in the Victorian Era is prominent. The silence broke as she uttered,

"Since you two isn't paying attention to my lecture earlier and I'm pretty sure you weren't able to catch up what lessons we had also."

"We're really sorry, Professor. We didn't mean to." Abbie told Professor Ann.

"Your lesson is just really really boring."
Catelyn murmured.

"For your information young lady, Poems aren't boring."

"But Proses are. See, I was paying attention." Catelyn told Professor Ann.

"That's it. I've had enough of your manners! Now I want you to write a poem. Not just a poem. It should be meaningful. Not like your essays!
And if you aren't able to pass them on time, I will double the load of your tasks in my class!" Professor Ann uttered.

"Whatever. We don't need this. Poems suck, Professor. Can we have detention instead?" Catelyn doesn't really know how to deal with this properly. She thought it would change her Professor's mind, but it didn't.

"Cates, stop it." Abbie tried to control Catelyn's manners. "Thank you, Professor Ann. We'll do what you want."

"As you should." Professor Ann ended their conversation, telling the two to get going and do their task.

It was late in the afternoon. The sun started to sink and hide its colour. As they stepped outside the gates, Catelyn and Abbie were silent for a moment. It must be really tiring or they aren't just in a mood or so.

"Should I walk you home?" Catelyn offered a hand.

"No thank you. I live around here." Abbie answered.

"How long have you been here?"

"Since my father died. My mom decided to take me and my sister here."

"I'm sorry I should've had not asked you about that."

"It's okay. I do not really care about it. You?"

"I just got here about a month ago. I don't really want to go here."

"I'm glad you are here."

"Me too. Thank you for this day, by the way."

"You're welcome."

"You want ice cream?"


The two never noticed how late it was until they saw a bunch of constellations above them. It was momentous.

"This really is my first time seeing a bunch of stars!"

"They're really pretty, Cates."

"Maybe I'll love it here."

"Yes you will. Definitely."

The two crossed paths and waved good byes. Catelyn was happily walking through her way home - so is Abbie.

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