Nezuko's Journey (4)

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Twentieth chapter!

I congratulate all the readers for making it this far in the story! I really appreciate everyone, I hope that this story is to your liking!

【PoV: Reader】

" Blood demon arts, Kotetsu arrow!"

The arrow demon summoned an arrow that shot Nezuko up into the branches of the trees.

But instead of crashing back into the ground, she clung to one of the trees and hid from Yahaba.

" Ha! Hide all you can, you still can't escape! "

Yahaba summoned multiple arrows that went after different areas where Nezuko may be hiding in. 

By the use of his arrows, Yahaba located Nezuko's hiding spot and brought her down to the ground.

The demon girl didn't run this time around, but dashed towards Yahaba and swiftly scratched his face.

The arrow demon screamed in pain and summoned an arrow that shot through Nezuko, crashing her into a tree.

Nezuko coughed up blood but focused on her next attack. While the arrow demon's wound hasn't healed yet, Nezuko dashed towards him and went for a kick in his head.

But it wasn't enough to completely cut off his head.

Nezuko took a far step back as Yahaba instinctively fired even more arrows due to the wound on his face.

Nezuko increased her speed and evaded most of them, making her way through Yahaba again.

Nezuko raised her foot to kick his head once more, which now inflicted heavier damage.

And.. at last; Yahaba's neck was severed as it flew like a ball thrown into the air.

Nezuko watched as the arrow demon's head drop back down to the ground, rolling to the right.

He wasn't even given a chance to fulfill his only desire. Like his partner, Susamaru, Yahaba only wanted the recognition of their honourable leader.

But at that point in time.. he had lost faith in himself. He has lost all hope to fulfilling his dream.

He was weak, even if he was afraid to accept it.

Yahaba had the confidence, he had pride and so he stood tall. Because he believed then, or, he was left to believe then that he was strong and worthy of becoming a twelve demon moon member.

Nezuko looked at him with eyes of pity, she knelt down and gently caressed his hair.

Nezuko was influenced by the true kindness of her big brother, and taught proper respect by her mother.

And even if this demon in front of her, was out to kill her just earlier.. he wasn't at fault.

No one is truly evil. No human, is truly evil.  

We were all once innocent children, with bright hopes and unimaginable dreams.

Yahaba and Susamaru never would have became the way they are now if not for that monster.

He, and the temari demon, they were merely just innocent victims of the true villain. The monster that caused them, as well as her, countless pain.

He is the root of all evil, the demon amongst demons.

The agony that Nezuko felt the night that that monster slaughtered her whole family is permanent. She will never once in her life forget about how much she begged at the top of her lungs just for that man to spare his family. But he didn't stop his merciless slaughter.

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