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I set my pillows down and climbed out of my bed. I walked back to Nicky's bed and he was asleep.

I reached for the door handle and opened the door. I was barely y'all enough. I started to walk up the stairs and walked into Daddy's bedroom. Because Uncle Cenna and Dada were in Dada's room.

"Daddy?" I whispered as I pulled myself up onto the bed.

"Jojo?" Daddy asked as he sat up.

"I can't sweep." I said as he pulled my onto his lap.

"You want to sleep with me?" Daddy asked. I nodded.

"Pwease." I said.

We laid down. Then Daddy looked at me and gave me a weird look.

"How did you get here?" Daddy asked as I smiled.

"I'm tall enough to wreach the door knob. I walked up the swairs." I said and he nodded.

"Night night, Jojo." Daddy said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Night night, Daddy." I said and I went back to sleep.

Little One-Nick MayorgaWhere stories live. Discover now