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Jordan walked into my house and Cye was already over. I waved and  he sat next to us.

"What's up, Jordy?" I asked.

"I just saw Nick." Jordan said and we paused our video game.

"Really?" Cye asked.

"What did you do?" I asked.

"Carried him to the Free Time house and called him baby." Jordan said.

"Dang." I said.

"He was really confused, but didn't fight back. It could be, because he is pregnant." Jordan said.

"He's about to have it. He only have a couple of months left." Cye said.

"I wish I was his." Jordan said.

"Oh we know." I laughed.

Jordan rolled his eyes and we kept playing. Jordan decided to text Nick and looked over his shoulder.


Nicky😘😍- Uh hi.

Jordan🙄- What's up?

Nicky😘😍- Talking about you.

Jordan🙄- Oh.

Nicky😘😍- Yeah...

Jordan🙄- I like you...

Nicky😘😍- I know, because Jojo, my boyfriend, told us.

Jordan🙄- Leave him for me?

Nicky😘😍- Uh no. He loves me.

Jordan🙄- I love you too.

Nicky😘😍- You hurt me. I would never love you.

Jordan🙄- I will never hurt you again.

Nicky😘😍- I don't trust you.

Jordan🙄- Meet me at the park in ten minutes. I want to at least, be your friend, Nick.

Nicky😘😍- Fine, but I'm bringing Jojo, Cenna and Ant.

Jordan🙄- That's fine. I'm bringing Cye and Caleb. See you in ten. 😉

Nicky😘😍- See you.

"I hope this goes well." Jordan said and set down his phone.

Little One-Nick MayorgaWhere stories live. Discover now