Chapter 1

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It's been a year since I was the new kid in this school, Raleigh Charter High School. One of the shortest at a whooping five feet tall, crazy long curly black hair and tan skin. Coming over from a small island near the Pacific ocean I was a midget here.

Yet it was lighter than last year, I came to live with my aunt here to get a higher chance of getting the education I need. Fitting in was hard but I managed to place myself as the average nosy kid who likes to help everyone.

Sighing away my worries and stress as I have one more year to finish my studies here and hopeful get a scholarship or get a part time job while at college.

Mr. Bruno was having his lecture about orbitals in chemistry again cause most didn't understand it yet. We were supposed to be finished with the topic but... Most of the class didn't had it.

I was getting sleepy and my feet were literally floating from the ground!

He's a great teacher but there's a problem, his students don't listen. He was an old man in his fifties and very kind. He worked here for twenty seven years from what I heard.

Mr. Bruno wiped away his Sweat as he wrote again in the board. His eyes were droopy clearly he didn't had good sleep but his suit was always tidy and neat. If he was a young lad he would be quite an eye catcher. There was no problem in his teachings, it was the system.

Glazing at the clock there was only five more minutes yet the bell rang earlier. Everyone quickly left, since this was my last class for the day. I helped Mr. Bruno cleaned up.

"Same old day, I wish I could tell what I am doing wrong. " his voice was tired and filled with sadness, same as his eyes. He was tired of the process.

"There's nothing wrong Mr. Bruno, I get your topics,  Mark as well and five out of twenty-three I guess. " I defended.

"What's the point, our school used to be so great that others would envy. Mark is our top achiever,  you are slow learner but you adapt very well. " he offered a kind smile which was true."Now I don't know what's the matter anymore,  my teachings or the students? " he asked as he erased his writing from the board.

"Well,  you can always change your way of teaching. Sir I don't wanna be rude but your teachings are somehow.. This generation calls it 'the old school' they or students now don't fall for that. They want clearer and exciting lectures. "

"I guess I can be boring. " the old man laughed.

Mr.  Bruno then began to tell me his new plans for tomorrow's class. Something exciting he said with a wide grin at his face.

He was digging over his old books about lively experiments as I shown him new tricks from YouTube... On how other teachers taught.

"Mr. Bruno it's getting late now, I gotta go now before Mark kills me. "

"He's still into the deal. " he smiled.

"Yeah, he still... Loves her. Wants me to help him get his girl back. "

"Well what can I say you are the school's peace maker. " he waved his hand goodbye as I left.

Peace maker, that is my job. I don't know but I always felt like my lips has the ability to befriend every student in this school except one. The class silent boy in chemistry, his great in class but rather do everything at his own. I have the same schedule as him in some subjects, I tried talking to him but he would leave.

Arriving here I wasn't accustomed much about the labelling system but I was placed as the new peace maker. Didn't knew I had that job but everyone was calling me one. I listen to both sides on a problem and explain to them each situation, trying to maintain peace at school. It only happened one time when I decided to help and now I have the job.

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