Chapter 30

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"I need your help." said the guy who always wore black clothes and always strong yet stoic. Stopping my work of making cards and taking down notes at the same time.

"What can I help you with Pablo? I asked.

"This isn't about the hounds."

"Alright then, what can I do for you?" sitting properly and ending my 'I'm your master' s girlfriend facade'.

"I need you to help me find a date for homecoming."

One of my brow raised as I watched him closer and deeply.

"I'm surprised for two years I made countless loveletters from girls to you though you never took interest in any of one of them." which was true, Pablo looked like a Mexican God of War, he had piercings in his nose and ears. He looked cool and sick to their terms but weird to me since I wasn't influenced or new to this kind of stuff.

"Sadly, It's a he." his gruff intonation changed softer with a sad tone at the end.

The person he liked... Was a he.

A he?!!!

"Does Javier know about this?"

"He does not care if it does not involved him or the hounds."

"I see... Who would that be?"

"Follow me." he was a man of few words as well like Anthony. It was after my job, I was free to go though Javier informed me we would be leaving at thirty minutes more. Though we were walking on the way to the football team's practice area. He then pointed at one of Javier's new football students.

"Liam Dakota?"

He nodded then sat at the chair watching over the boy. Liam Dakota just transferred this year and was on his third year of high school. A red haired, blue eyed boy he was cute like a male version of Princess Merida. He would look skinny but in truth he had build in muscles all over him fairly, sometimes hell look like a girl. His hair was like a bird's nest but was curled and adorable.

Most new junior students have a crush on them but he never had been in a relationship yet in school. Every time a new student would come, me a peacemaker would show them around. Make sure they stay alive for a week or month, getting to know them better. Advise them what to do and avoid to do in order to keep out of trouble.

Dakota was a sweet boy, I remember making a lot of love poems on that guy. Girls would flock over and compare each love poem I made to give out to the boy they liked or sometimes boys as well. Helped me save enough money to buy myself some clothes and shoes. Though mostly they were books.

"He's a nice kid also sweet." I told over Pablo.

Javier saw me sitting over with Pablo and waved at me. A smile formed on his smile and sent in flying kisses as I did back.

"You two are good at faking your relationship." he gave off a small smile.

"You knew?"

"I know how you looked at that silent guy then at Javier. Though I can tell you like Javier and respect him as a friend only."

"Yeah he told me not to fall in love with him." looking back at Javier receiving the ball and ran as fast as he could but was blocked.

"What would you do if you did?" his arms crossed and stared at my hands fendling over.

"I would never tell him." my voice was soft as a feather. Only I fool I would be, hell never like me back. I wasn't hot or rich like most girls here.

"That settles it, don't tell or send any love letter to Dakota." he slatted and quickly rose from his seat.

"Hey, hey, hey! We can make a deal, if I ever like Javier back I'll tell him so want me to make the love card?" I asked.

He clocked his head and grinned.

"Deal." shaking over at my hand.

Javier got a change of clothes and puts on his bag at the back of his car as I was already waiting for him to get in the car so we can both go home.

"What were you Pablo talking about?" looking directly at my eyes and his face so close.

"He asked me to make a love letter."

"That's new, he never gave attention to any of the girls who gave him love letters." he chuckled and kissed my cheek before putting his seat belt on.

"It's not a girl." my voice low, wait can I tell him? I just shared a secret! Dumb moron!

"I knew it!" he grinned and immediately called one of his friends at the football team.

"Dude, I need your deal of five hundred bucks!"

"You're just fooling around." the guy replied as he had the speakers on.

"Hey are you calling me a liar in front of my girlfriend!" he argued. What a playful hit.

"Sorry jeezzz.. I'll have it out tomorrow."

"Also dude don't tell the other's or I'll kill you." his voice changed deeply with a growl at the end.

"Alright,Alright, Gotta go now. Me mum just called me eh."

"Okay bud thanks."

"Who was that?"

"Liam... Liam Dakota."

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