Chapter 3

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I walked timidly as I passed over the football team. This was not my place, I was a tiny squirrel compared to their buff size.

"Hey shorty you lost? " one of them grinned and looked at me like I was an ant.

"No, Jillian already shown me around last year. "

"Friends with the peace maker ehh? " he licked his lips and glared at me.

"Get out of here girl, or you want me to release the hounds. "

Anything but the hounds, the bullies but I was determined to get this through before the finals. Plus I really needed help from Mark.

"Shut up Javier, she's the new peace maker!  You're looking for me right? "

It was April, I nodded and she swung her head to follow her.

We sat at the bench as was watched the football team practiced.

"Hey nothing personal, but I know what you want. So listen midget,  Mark was a loser,  a total loser but Ash he's a fucking psycho in bed. " she grinned as I found lust at her eyes watching over his man play at practice.

"I don't want an misunderstanding or poke to everyone's business. Im just being a friend but you never gave Mark a chance to sleep with you... Okay that was weird sorry it's uncommon to me. "

"You're a Christian? "

"No I'm catholic. "

"I see,  well girl in here if you're a virgin, you're a loser but you can be a prize. " she smirked at me.

"No thank you. " she looked down at her bag and took over a pack of cigarettes and light one up.

"Ummm.. Isn't that illegal? " I asked.

"Not for me, it calms me down. I never gave a damn to Mark,  he wasn't worth it. I always wanted a hunky boyfriend not a boy who could fix my phone when it has a virus. I can always buy one but for years... I always admired Ash from afar. "

Her eyes turned soft as her facade of being a cool girl stopped.

"I worked everyday at the gym, I even had anorexia twice or I guess it's mild now. I make myself beautiful just for him. I always loved him at first sight." Tears began to ran from her face as she smoked her lid cigarette from her hand.

"Loraine was also my friend,  she was my best friend to be exact but she stole my man away. Ash fell in love with her and not me,  for years I tried so hard to make him notice me until one day. "

"That one day.... " I whispered. That was went Loraine was busy.

"You understand me right? " she asked with pleading eyes.

"I do.. I really do... " a few tears slipped out of my eyes as well. She was just like me before I moved here I used to have a huge crush over my male best friend until we have a new girl at school. He liked her but she rejected him,  I never confessed and he never noticed me at all.

"You know how it feels right, judging from your tears. You loved as well. " her eyes were wet and her smile was full of doubt and shame. In doubt if what she did was right,  ashamed that she turned her back to her best friend.

I offered her a faint smiled before I left she hold my sleeve and whispered at my ear.

"Tell her I'm sorry. I was a terrible friend." Her voice quiver as Ash looked at her in worry.

"Don't worry,  it'll be well in the future. We can always hope. " I smiled then left.

Just when I exited and went to Marcus place, Loraine immediately pulled me in. She told me what happened not worried to me but about April.

I sat down and began talking on April's side. Loraine was in remorse,  she always loved and adored her best friend but how could she do this to her. All because she loved Ash for years? 

She couldn't get over him!  She also couldn't get over with her ex! 

Mark was silent,  he was looking down at his shoes and then asked.

"What are we going to do now? " his eyes looked at Jeane who frowned and sigh.

"I don't know.... Loraine tell me what do you wanna do? " she asked what was on Loraine's head if she wanted to het back with her ex or not. The girl did not answered as she sadly rolled over on the sofa and cried silently.

"Okay, it's been almost two weeks now. All we do is cry and sulk so how bout we have fun tomorrow! " I offered a smile but they weren't buying it.

"We're getting that make over thing like in the movies. " I inserted.

Loraine answered with a loud cry as Mark he asked if it was necessary. I said yes and we're going to live it up tomorrow after school. Since I was having my day off tomorrow.

Both groan and liked I thought, it was always the pretty one.

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