Chapter 9

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"Hey are you alright? " he asked me with worry in his eyes, it was clear that I wasn't my usual self today. It was I mostly talking but today I was thinking deep.

What am I gonna tell him?  I asked myself,  looking at him. I sighed, how could he be interested with me. Jillian was more beautiful than me,  she comes from a great family as well as I was struggling. I don't have much but my father was old and my family was in need of money not a drama.

I only nodded and when back to staring at the same page as before. He was not buying it and poked my forehead as we both sat at the library during my break time.

"I said I'm fine. " my voice was hoarse and dry. As he have noticed much my behaviour today and what I wearing. I was a mess,  I even wore sunglasses cause my eyes were practically so small. I can barely see, he removed them and asked them what was the matter.

I lied that I just missed my family. He nodded and told me that if he gets a break time then so shall I. It was only fair plus he wouldn't mind playing until late at the morning with his computer.

Offering a faint smile as he excused himself and go home early. Though he did messed up my hair again before leaving. Something I wished that would never changed.

"Jeane dear, can you tell your Aunt that you'll be sleeping at my place tonight? " she asks in worry and fear.

"Is something the matter Mrs. Cumberbatch? "

"My grandson wouldn't be home tonight and I don't wanna sleep all alone in my house. We can bake cookies as well! " she smiled.

"I'll informed her Ma'am,  don't worry. She's always willing to help if an old lady is involved. "

Mrs. Cumberbatch thanked me and happily glided to the front desk to pack her things. I texted my Aunt about it and she was fine with it,  Mrs. Cumberbatch said she'll take care of everything.  It was all too sudden that I have to borrow some of her old clothes. Though they weren't smelly or ragged looking. They were rather... Sexy. Well the night gown she lend me to borrow would be only end at her thighs but it ended at my knees instead. It was made of silk and it was splendid like the moon's color making it glimmer. It was long sleeve which I was thankful but the chest area,  it had a tempting sweet heart cut at the middle. Bless the Lord for my breasts looked fine wearing it. Though they weren't too big like Loraine and April's.

Mrs. Cumberbatch used to be the school's principal even, in fact her house was a bloody Manor. I always knew it that she was rich. The way she dresses everyday say so,  her perfume,  the manner she speaks was like a princess. I even awned at the trophies she won as a marvelous student she used to be. Medals were displayed and so was her graduation gown.

Her pictures back then at her youth surprised me as well. She was beautiful yet in a nerdy way with her giant square frame glasses. Her husband was her prom date at highschool which was a famous foot ball Player as well. Sadly he passed away for years now in a heart failure. She had Mexican heritage same as Loraine and her Husband was an English man. The two lovers birds sealed the deal right away after they met each other.

As we baked cookies, she opened up to me as I did go her. I told her what and how was my life then back home and how much I missed my family.

I told her I have developed feelings for a boy yet she already knew who I was talking about though she warned me. Anthony is not an easy guy to love, the poor fella had most of his exes as how's using him for money and gifts. Though I didn't needed any of that as long as I can call him mine and not Jillian's or have any feelings towards her,  I would be in pure bliss. 

From what I know is that she had three sons and her eldest one already had a young lad,  a  few months older than me also going to the same school as I was. She didn't told me who though she said it'll be a surprised.

"I used to be the peace maker as well. " she spoke in a remark.

"Noooo... Way! " I smiled.

"Yes, back then those hot mama's and bad boys were so popular. Too much drama,  I held the title for three years before passing it. It was tiring, the school counselor we're strict back then so students mostly fought in dark alleys behind the school. "

"Oh goodness. " my eyes widen in anticipation.

She nodded and continued her story,  it was a lot of drama all right and even Mr. Bruno was her senior and are good friends.

At dinner,  I helped her out in eating since she was having a hard time. Not to mention she was burning a fever. I was horrible,  the old lady was suffering and she was good at hiding it. Probably stressed from working but she told me she won't quit being the librarian cause that was the first place she met her husband. Totally romantic she was and I wanted that kind of love as well. Helping her walked the stairs and have her sleep at her room. I seriously thought they need to build a room for her to sleep down stairs cause she was suffering. She asked me not to leave her so I slept in beside her.

Where the hell was her grandson?! 

Clearly he wasn't a responsible grandchild. I scoffed and check her temperature again. Hours had pass and her fever was low now. Almost normal and she already took some pills. Applying a wet towel at her head,  I marvelled at her.

Her wrinkles reminded me of my grandmother. How I missed that woman,  I smiled and wiped away my tears.

Reminiscing the past of how much memories I have shared with her. Same as Mrs. Cumberbatch she didn't want to sleep alone though she told me her grandson didn't sleep in beside her saying he was a grown man. He would wait for her to fall asleep before going to his room.

My mind was disrupted as I heard noise down stairs. I was freaking out and immediately alarmed on her eldest son's number on her phone. I wanted to call the police but her phone didn't had any number of the police station though I have it.

I left my phone downstairs!  Making the decision to risk my life and ask for help. I locked the door in Mrs. Cumberbatch's room. For her safety,  going down as I hid the key and like a chubby panther I immediately rushed downstairs at their marbled staircase which a princess would walk upon. This wasn't about grace but life.

Crawling down as quiet as I go,  I grabbed her phone and hid behind the couch. Dialing the police hotline but my hair got pulled and I git trapped underneath a man's well defined body.

Not to shame but he was muscular and awfully pinning me down. I tried to kick his balls out but my legs were open wide and hands were above my head.

He smelled awful like he took a shower with liquor and used it as a mouthwash was well. I wanted to screamed but he whispered to me in threat.

"Tell me... Who are you? " he asked. I only whined and cried. Shaking underneath him,  he held my jaw and asked me once more.

"Jeane... " I cried.

He place soft kisses at my neck and hot breathe right above my breasts,  he then removed one button at the front. Then two, and the last three. Squirming as he held my mouth,  muffled me.

He lend in closer and grinned.

"Got you shorty. " he spoke in a seductive way.

It was freaking Javier. He then releases me as I killed his side which he only laughed out loud. I immediately buttoned up my dress and never will I forget that Javier assaulted me.

Drunk bastard he was. I wished he'll die! 

What the fuck would he even toy with me?

It was always the pretty one.

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