Chapter 27

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Jeane and Nana was having fun, singing out to their heart's content though it was more surprised that she could sing so well.

I never really thought that she had other talents, I never tried to make a connection with her. It was unnecessary,  her job was only to entertained my nana. No feelings attached.

I drove her back home after dinner and I was feeling much better now. I didn't know what I ate today that made my stomach ache in so much pain.

Morning came and she was surprised I was there to pick her up. She didn't needed to ride the school bus anymore as I assured her, though a day ago. I didn't drove her home after she texted me she went early. She could have told me.

I had a meet up with Lollie, she was hot and a total babe. She kissed me teasingly at my car that day. Jeane and I weren't in a real relationship so I can still do anything I want, lollie was a slut. Easy to play with though Pablo informed me that Anthony had Jeane his behind him as Lollie with her girls chased her out from the comfort room.

Looks like I have to be careful and have Jeane away from danger. She's already deal with one and was scared but that was the reason.

Jude couldn't do that all by himself, he wanted to frame it was a girl who did it so he added glitter but failed to do so. I heard that he had fondness over girls.. Young girls, Jeane looked like one. I was still finding out who had the other key in the laboratory, turns out it was Lollie. I slipped the secret from her mouth, she tasted like poison for she was definitely a snake.

Then for my number being hacked and used, Susan's father work in a telecom company. It would be hard to get rid of them in school since their parents supported and donated a lot for the school.

The principal can't do his job well if he'll be threaten so I guess I have to toy with their hearts. Lollie was on my top list, embarrassing her wouldn't be bad.

The next day, I had over next to me as we ate lunch. Morgan had to pull her out from the comfort room. She only ate little but it was enough than nothing.

After class she went immediately at the library, did her tasks... Then made a lot of love letters?

"What are those for? " I asked. Anthony was the only guy she liked right?

"Homecoming is coming up, I need to mass produce love letters each in different varieties and style of who it's gonna be given. " she explain, no wonder why each was unique. Some simple, some elaborated, some were weird, some were cute.

"You can make an income with it? "

"Yeah, I only made one free this year and this is my last. All the money I'm gonna receive would be spent for my Aunt. Her birthday is coming fast as well. "

"Aren't you gonna save some for yourself? " well there was a good fifty or more cards scattered on the desk. It would cost more or less than what you bought from the store but students wanted it to look hand-made for effort showing their utmost love though it was Jeane suffering to make it.

"Only ten bucks and that's it, I'll have it in the bank and have the rest to my family. These letters and flower arrangement are going to triple up three days before homecoming. " she giggled.

"Want help? " I asked.

"Write down sweet or cute words to say but according to the theme or person it's going to be given. A poem, song, or I don't know. " she informed me.

"I am a Player,  I know how it's play. " showing off a cocky smirk.

"By the way, you gotta finish them up in hour. Don't you have football practice? "

"I took a break,  wanted to spent time with my girl. " she laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Why did you kissed Lollie? "

"Why can't I? " as she raised an eyebrow and kept quiet. Painting flowers or stars, mixing color over the thick watercolor papers.

She was getting on my nerves, girls I mingled with would scream and cry yet she didn't but laughed.

"Why are you laughing? "

"Nothing. "

"I was only using her,  she was involved by helping out Jude. Their parents are influential and can't be taken down that fast. So I made up my mind by toying with her then desert her after. I didn't mean her to bully you around. "

"Wait, wait, wait, what did you say? " she asked in confusion.

"They had Jude to molest you, I heard Jude will get a good sum of money every month from their fan club. "

"We can't call the police or report it cause they're rich plus they'll tell everyone what happened to me and I'm just a nobody. " she groaned then went in silent... Too silent.

"You're not a nobody, you're my girl!  Dress up tomorrow I might break heart, three or more. "   I smiled, licking my lips as I tried to comfort Jeane out.

"I changed your burritoooo.... It meant nothing! " she cried as I raised a brow.

"What burrito? " curious over about the burito.

You did not just pranked me! 

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