Chapter 15

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The big day came it and the cheering squad were doing strong and proud with their new dance routine. I didn't got to watch any of the foot ball games last year or most time since I was busy being the peace maker though I chilled on today.

I can see Ash talking his team and the band playing over. Though in my surprised Anthony was playing the saxophone and Jillian with the flute. My blood boiled in anger and jealousy. They were both not paying attention to each other but were focus on playing their instruments.

Mrs. Cumberbatch sat beside me and had a large,  finger like with the school's football name on it. She was carrying a whistle and was jumping in excitement.

I didn't know much about foot ball but luckily Mrs. Cumberbatch was here to explain it to me,  there would be eleven players at opposing team and their goal is to take control of the ball in order to win.

Seems easy enough, I thought then she started to tell me that the game would take about three hours on average thought one hour on the clock. Divide it into half and have fifteen minutes each for a quarter.

The spot where the end zone meets the playing field is referred to as the goal line. The goal line is the end zone.

I nodded and tried to understand it before the game happens though I didn't understand at all.

Each team has offense players, defense players, and specialized players or called as special teams. If a team has possession of the ball, they are on offense and use their offense players to attempt to run or pass the ball forward toward the opponent’s end zone. As the other team, considered to be on defense, will use their defense players to attempt to stop the other team from advancing the ball. If a kicking play is expected, the teams will use their special teams units.

Though each team would pick a side of a coin where it'll be flipped to determine whose side is the ball getting kick.

In scoring over,  touchdown is six points,  two points for a line up at two-yard attempt. A point for a kick in a fifteen-yard line through the goal posts with three points over field goal.

"Ohhh... Perhaps being on the special team wouldn't be that bad, what is Javier's job on the team again? "

"He's one of the offense player. " she smiled.

"You're not kidding. " I gave a faint and weak smile.

"He's gonna get hurt! " I was freaking out,  not that I liked him or all but my mother approved of my male siblings not playing basketball cause it was too dangerous. We were practically raised like females.

Javier is going to get smashed! It was about to start as the coin got flip,  there was tension on both teams. The opposing team got the flip! 

The ball was going on to the Royal Rebels side. It was intense, Mrs. Cumberbatch would cling to me when Javier almost had a touch down!  On the second quarter of the second hour. Sadly he didn't make it at the opposing team had a strong defense.

I didn't or did enjoyed the game much since I didn't know much of the mechanics. I forgot everything Mrs. Cumberbatch even told me. I was screaming and cheering with Mrs. Cumberbatch as the band played more loudly. It was a tie.

A freaking tie!  Something I didn't expect to even be possible. I thought the opposing team weren't serious but they were.

Only a quarter left or specifically fifteen Minutes left.

The players got back to their formation and I saw Javier waving his hands to catch my attention?  Maybe? 

He then pointed his wrist where a watch would be placed but he didn't wore any.

"You know dear I made a bet with my grandson tonight. " she grinned,  perhaps he was callings Mrs. Cumberbatch attention.

"Ohhhh and what would that be? " I asked as my eyes followed where the ball was.

"Well he never goes join in any home coming parties, he dated a lot of girls but he never brought one as his date. "

"Ummm... Okay. What about it?" I nodded dumbfounded as ball was now back to the Royal Rebels team.

Then the opposing team no back no...

The ball was like a goddamn ball!

Then finally,  four more minutes it was back on the team!

"If he doesn't get a touch down then he'll have to do all of his homework until the end of school year. " seems fair I think. Wait how did she found out?

Is that why he was so persisted on getting an touch down now? 

As I noticed it now,  he was playing it smoothly and daring.

"If he gets a touch down then he'll be force to home coming with a special girl at his choice." her face was like an angelic maniac. She was jumping in excitement as Javier ran in closer to the goal line. I cheered and my vocal chords feel like shit for screaming the whole three hours.

Maybe one of the cheer leaders I thought, she did said special or one of the rich kids,  crazy girls.


Everybody on Rayleigh High screamed in joy as the band played loudly at their best. As the students sang the highschool's cheer.

His buddies came over and gave him a rough hug and shouted in joy.

They won! 

They freaking won!

Oh my, my G-God!!! 

I should see football more often, I thought. As the cheer died down and the students began exiting the indoor football arena. I helped Mrs. Cumberbatch walked on the stairs and had her safely inside of Xavier's car. Since she had the key all this time.

I didn't checked on my phone as the game was playing since I was cheering like a maniac. My throat feels like singing three hours of soprano practice,  I was going to call my aunt for a pick as I opened a message Javier sent to me even before the game started though my phone was turned off at that time.

"If I get a touch down,  you're coming with me as my date at homecoming.
# ̄ 3 ̄#"

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