Chapter 34

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Delivering heavy footsteps on the major as parade to my room to silk in my frustration. I shouldn't be affected if she wanted to come or not but breaking the deal means I wouldn't be able to see her anymore and perhaps go with Anthony. That loser who hurt Jeane in the first place!

Nana approached me in hope to talk to me yet I didn't paid attention to get and climbed the stairs as she later left to answer a phone call from her telephone.

What would make me happy right now was to see Jeane, what do I have left. She didn't wanted to giving do it anymore! Groaning out at my pillow as I called Pablo.

"Hey call the hounds, let's get wasted. " I remarked,  it should help me out. She wasn't my type anyway. All too cute and bubbly cheer that seeing her smile makes me wonder how was her sleep, God!

Sneaking out the window as I sneak over to Pablo's place.


Another day had passed, I have heard a little over my family. The typhoon was as strong as typhoon Yolanda back when I was young. Thanked goodness!  The money I sent would help them well.

"Jeane I think that would be all for today. " she looked sadder this afternoon probably because Javier faked we broke up and I didn't wanted to go to home coming with him. Though he made me insane thinking why he kissed me. Maybe he was ring to get on my nerves.

"I still have two more hours on my shift ma'am. I think I'll polish the tables after you left. "

"Leave them be, homecoming is coming by. I want you to look extra special for the night. " she smiled, clearly Javier did not tell her.

"Come, come, see this! " she pulled over a long rectangular box under the counter.

"This is your present, for all hard work you did. " with a gentle smile on her face.

"But Mrs. Cumberbatch, this is too much than my salary combined. " startled over after I opened the box and removed the ribbon.

It was a simple red silk dress that had a teacup skirt and a daring back reveal. Looking over the brand, it was a designer's clothing line. The things rich people do, don't looks on price tags but quality itself.

Yet I already informed Javier I wouldn't Come along yet Mrs. Cumberbatch kindness made me cry. Not in shame or sadness but being grateful. How I wished my grandmother was still alive and well. She would spoil me to death!

"I knew you were having a hard time, your aunt called me what happened last night. Knowing you'll be deeply hurt, I have bought you out a new dress at least perhaps homecoming would be a stress reliever to you. " she explained. I didn't know how I felt, I only cried at her arms. How hard life was being away from your family.

A visitor later came who wore a white trench coat, it was Aunt Clara. That afternoon I had the best Time of my life, we went to a spa and had ourselves calmed, relaxed and cleaned. They still thought me and Javier was s thing though I knew I had to informed him about it.

Excusing myself to use the comfort room to call him. Now that I mentioned it, I didn't see the hounds today and I had to eat at the comfort room as well. I didn't know where to seat or where I should go.

"Pick up, come on, damnmm... It.. Yes! "

"Yeeee-lo! " his voice was hoarse and sluggish. He was out drinking last night then. How great.

"Your nana bought me a dress,  my aunt got me waxed and it hurt like a bitch. We might need to continue until it is over, got it? " I asked.

"You're my girlfriend again? " he asked.

"Yes! "

"Are you my girlfriend? " as his voice was surly.

"Yes baby, now get up and take some relieving pills. " I whined and hurried.

"I love you... " he chuckled. Rolling my eyes as I played in.

"I love you too,  go home now. Mrs. Cumberbatch and I will head home later. "

"Dude I have I girlfriend! Y'all hear that? " he shouted at the next line with the hounds. I believe it wasn't only drinking involved yet why would he behave in that way?

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