Chapter 21

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I studied on my quiz at first for an hour then proceeded to read my report for tomorrow and summarized it as I made it.

I informed my aunt and uncle about borrowing their jackets and a white wig from my cousin.  It took me two to three hours I guess on making it. I planned on finishing it before seven at night. Though I was feeling sluggish, I was feeling down and miserable.

Anthony liked her.

He fucking love her.

I was going insane, I wanted to be the one he loved. I wanted to be that pretty girl. My hair was flying all over my hair as I pulled them in madness.

I was so jealous, there wasn't any flaws in her.

Cupping my hands as I wanted to die,  not literally but I don't know!

I wanted to throw up but I couldn't. I felt sick, hurt and mad! I was about to cry but my aunt knocked on my door.

Wiping away my forming tears using my over sized shirt. I went out to meet the visitor I had since she said there was a guy over.

I would say this in advance that I looked wrecked over stressing myself. It was almost dinner time and my Uncle suggested he'll do the cooking and have me work on my report for tomorrow since he came home earlier.

"Hey Shorty! " said Javier,  I raised an eyebrow,  asking him why he was here. He said he wanted to help me make the report so that he'll have passing grades as history since Mrs. Brooch threaten him so. Though I knew he wasn't really going to help me. He's just here for the credit and would leave shortly but he brought over food and had a meaningful conversation with my aunt and uncle.

They talked mostly about outdoor sports and going to the gym. Me as a chubby provincial kid hadn't gone once at the gym.

When dinner was done I washed over the dishes as asked my aunt if she would lemme go to homecoming with his as my date. I was drying the plate at that time and it almost slipped away from my face.

I was a nervous breathing maniac acting calm when they were both talking loudly. My aunt smiled and winked at me when I was done doing my chores.

She had her thumbs up in approvement. I gave her a weak smile though I wanted to punch Javier at his face! 

"Did you tell her we are... Faking it? " I spoke silently being cautious if my aunt was nearby and listening.

"Can't convince if they know the truth." he smirked. Leaving me frustrated, my aunt probably thinks the two of us were dating.

"You can leave now you know, I can do the report by myself. "

"No can't do, Mrs. Brooch told me she wanted a picture of us working together as evidence and she'll call your aunt as proof. "

"Ohhh... You have it hard on her. " I snickered.

"Well what can I do? "

"I'm almost done, I only lacked the power point presentation and visuals. Can you do it? "

"Yeah... " he said and I brought out my laptop, give him info over the needed visuals. Though I was surprised that he knows so much about it. He even helped me on how I'll give out the report.

"Are you almost done? " I asked and my feet on the wall and my head hanging on the edge of the couch.

"Yeah just a few more history memes to give it. " his voice have a gruff sound to it. I thought it was irresistible.

"Alright. " my loose and messy hair was dangled on the floor. No need to worry, my cousin did her chore and vacuumed it awhile ago.

"Are you wearing a bra? " he asked as he looked at me serious.

I quickly seat up straight and moved a little bit further from him. My Aunt was at her little office and my uncle having his kids go to sleep.

He chuckled and went back to his work.

"Don't do that. " I looked at him dead eye, mad I was. Kicking his side though not that much, only a playful push though I would gladly make it a kick.

"I couldn't help it, you look like a sleepy chipmunk right now. "

"Shut up. "

"Well I'm not the one wearing an oversize shirt that's thin enough to know what's the size of your breasts. Pairing it with a Sweat pants. How cute. " he grinned.

"I'm at home not in school pretending to be your girlfriend. " I groaned though my voice was soft and cautious.

"I know. " he saved up his work and we took a picture of us working it together a few minutes ago. Shutting down my laptop and closed it.

He politely informed my aunt and uncle that he was done and should head home. A polite curtsy of respect, definitely sure he learnt that from his nana. As a proper good bye I went out and see through that he made it in his car. It what I was used to, back then in my place as a visitor would leave we would stick by with them until they do.

I was beside his car when he turned to face me once more before he went it. His face looked calm yet authorative and serious.

"Jeane... Don't fall in love with me. " he spoke those seven words and left quietly without saying goodbye to me.

I expected that yet I felt disappointed at his words.

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