Chapter 33

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"Hey! " she approached me with a smile and held my hand as we go ate lunch. Walking side by side she told me her day as I nodded to everything she says. I was day dreaming all day about her!

I didn't knew what I was doing, I just realized I liked her!  Fuck! 

I liked Jeane!  Jesus Christ this is insane! 

"Babe, you don't look well... Are you okay? " she asked as she placed her hand over my temple. Her face was so close, her warm breathe send chills to my body. I wanted to kiss her so bad. I craved her so badly. Her lips were plumped and in the shade of light blushed pink almost natural on her lips.

"Javier, babe are you okay? " she asked me once more as I went back to my sense. Her eyes fluttered dramatically at my sight?  Is liking someone this weird? 

"Yeah... Just sleepy. " I yawned and cover my mouth from sight.

"How long did you stay up all night? " she asked.

"Thinking about you. " I spatted which her eyes widen in surprise.

"Really? " her voice questioned with a cheeky smile though she had a nervous laugh at the end.

She looked so cute!  Why am I saying that!?  I ate my lunch in silence as she did. The whole afternoon, I never talked with her though I knew it would be impossible to avoid her since I promised her aunt I'll bring her home every week day. This morning she informed me she would take the bus cause she needed to visit over a friend's house before going to school.

Who's friends house? 

"Javier, I love you. " she looked at me as we buckled ourselves at my car.

Did she said she love me?  Wasn't it Anthony?

"You what? " my voice loud and surprise which freaked her out.

"What did you say? " I asked again.

"I said, Pablo's letter was a success. " she grinned.

"Ohhh... I see great for them now let's have you go home. "

"But hey are you alright?  Did I do something wrong. " her eyes looked directly at mine. Swallowing my pride, I grabbed her face gently. Cupping and feeling her soft cheeks as I dived in a kiss.

It was much more better than the first kiss we shared. She pushed me away but I pulled her more and gave in. Savoring her lips as my tongue showed dominance over hers,  I could feel her melting at me kissed. Giving her lips one more peck before I stared at her red face. All blushing and lips swollen red more than her lipstick,  breathing heavily as I looked at her.

"Promise me you'll go to homecoming with me. " clasping her hands on mine, making assure for I was desperate. I tried to ignore her for a day and I couldn't do it.

"I can't go, we can lie to nana. " she excused and straighten herself at her chair.

"Why wouldn't you go? " I asked in frustration. I didn't know what to do,  I just realized it over night or I didn't liked her just going crazy! Over a stupid kiss.

"I.. Don't have a dress yet and I have no plans. " looking down at her shoes.

"I thought you were doing this for revenge we had a deal. You cannot back out especially if nana is involved. "

She signed with tears on her eyes, my chest was hurt to see her like that. All vulnerable and easy to play her emotions out but I wasn't.

"A strong typhoon hit my family's home last night. I haven't received a call from them yet so I mailed out all the money I have saved over the letters and salary I had from my part time job. " she didn't cried or whine like a white girl over a pair of shoes she couldn't bought. She cried for her family's well-being and I was being a sucker pushing her to go with me when she was penny less.

Her fingers played with each other, I have shocked her out with a kiss even without a reason but my own benefit.

I was ashamed of my actions, she acted like she was fine all morning yet she was troubled deeply.

"I can lend you, Jeane. " I whispered almost to myself.

"No... You've been kind enough all these days. I guess this is how Karma looks like. "

She touched my hand and looked me straight at the eyes.

"I don't wanna do it anymore.... I'm sorry. " just like that she went out the door and left me troubled with my thoughts.

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