Chapter 6

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It was Chemistry class again,  the only people  I know mostly inside is Mark and Anthony sitting silently at the back waiting for my answer.

Mr. Bruno then informed us that a famous university was going to give away scholarship to the students who'll give out the best research study. Anything can be a topic. He then told us that if we try it out well be suspended from his test. I smiled as I heard those words from his lips.

It was the best thing a teacher could say besides saying you passed. The study would be involved with two partners to conduct it. After class I crossed fingers that Mark would hopeful pair up with me but he declined saying he already had someone in mind. He already had a new haircut and wore something a cool guy would wear. With Loraine as his support in his sense of fashion. He wore a thick woolen coat and tight brown pants paired with his leather shoes. He looked like a changed man yet still hurting deep down. He wanted to change yet my mind was completely overwhelm on conducting a study.

I used to do research studies back at my humble old school. It was one of my passion, it interested me to various accounts of study. I didn't know what topic yet but I wanted to give it a try since Mr. Bruno asked me as well.

Before going outside, Anthony called me over to his seat and talk it out.

"Well will you help me out or not?" He asked.

I was silent, to be honest I was even listening. I was thinking if Jillian would pair up with me but she seems busy with her love life even.

"Millie.. Millie.. Millie! " he Shook me a little.

"Jesus! " coming back to my senses to talk with Anthony.

"Yes or a no? "

"I will but on one condition. " forming a smirk at my face as he looked at it suspiciously. 

"You'll be my research partner! " I spoke in enthusiasm.

"You're what? " he asked.

"Do the study with me,  come on. I'm helping you out and I know you're a genius but lazy. " I begged him and looked at his eyes as I held his hands near to my neck. From what I heard, boys love it when girls beg. Well if they're hot,  this isn't going to work out.

"You got that right,  I am lazy and don't wanna spend time thinking over and over again. " he chuckled.

"Stop it,  you look like a chipmunk! " he smirked and messed up my hair.

"Nooo!! " I screamed and moved away his hands from my hair.

"You're hair  is kinda dry hmmm... Did you"

"I take a shower yes,  the texture is dry but I already dressed it in baby oil okay and the texture is different compare to you hair. Can I touch yours? "

"No. " he pushed me a little.

"It's not fair you played with my hair. "

"I didn't, it was dry and brittle.  " he argued.

Now that he just crossed the line, that was texture of my hair. I was touched my old school mate's hair,  he was half German and his hair was gloriously smooth and silky. Something I always wanted to have.

I turned my back and started to walk towards the class' door only to be blocked by Anthony.

"Hey, okay look I'm sorry.  I know I hurt your feelings and"

"Shut up!  You always do! " I cried and pushed him hard as I can away from the door. It sucks when it's a giant one,  you're trying to push away.

Tears were forming at my eyes. I just found out that I didn't had a friend here and I was interested in him but he wants someone else. I was frustrated at myself,  being weak and pathetic.  He finally moved away and let me out.

Today I worked quietly at the library as I received a message from Loraine that she didn't need my help anymore and wants to alone needing space. I replied to her it was normal and okay,  hopefully to see her happy again. There was only few people inside and I texted Mark if he could tutor me but texted me he was busy.

I sighed and finished cleaning up the library. Sitting down as it was already five at the afternoon,  I know I should be going if I wanted to catch up the bus ride before eight but I felt stupid enough.

Opening my notes as I began to have my review before eight in the evening. I informed my aunt that I was studying at the library. Mrs. Cumberbatch already left and gave me a spare key at the library since day one.

It was dead quite,  so quite I felt so alone. All this time I was the peacemaker feeling I was friends with everyone and they cared about me but now I get to see that it wasn't the case.

I got a call from an unknown number and answered it,  it was common. I was the goddamn peacemaker so I get this everyday.

"He-llo. Oh" my voice was raspy and it was terribly awfully like I was turned into an old lady.

Wiping away my tears as I packed my things.

"Millie I'm sorry,  I know I shouldn't have done that. Can you forgive me? "

I never answered back as there was only one person who calls me Millie and that was Anthony. Ending up the call as I locked up the door before leaving. Checking it twice as I head over the bus stop.

There I saw Anthony's truck again and he went out. Trying to talk with me.

"Hey... How bout I give you a ride?  " he smiled apologetically and never looked at him. Though he was persistent,  he managed to get me in saying it wasn't safe cause I was that small little midget,  easy to hurt and carry.

Like I was pretty enough to be kidnapped.

He didn't said a thing while he drove me to my aunt's place neither did I. The whole trip was silent and miserable.

Americans!  They never think what they say and can say a lot of awful things instead of bad. Always direct and blank,  played the victim and point it towards their prey.

At first I looked up to Anthony but he was no different from a bully. What he didn't understand was that I have pride with my hair. I haven't cut it for five years and now it's almost at my knees if not braided. Since I always braided it while I'm at school. I was always fascinated with Indian women's long and gorgeous hair that I wanted it too for myself.

Though mg hair was curly,  I loved it. I sometimes feel pretty but it was always the pretty one.

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