・:*+.chapter 1

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i was a result of teenage pregnancy. my "father" left before i was born, leaving mom a wreck. she  turned to alcohol as a source of comfort and before i knew it, was turned into somebody i can no longer remember. mom? she doesn't deserve that title. she's just someone who finds solace in drinking her thoughts away and beating me up as if that was my only purpose for being in her life.

that's why i spend most of my time in my room deliberately avoiding her, blasting music through my headphones until i hopefully go deaf. why? because music was my source of comfort. it made me forget about all of my worries.

i wouldn't run away either just because this house was my only form of shelter and i'm the only one here to take care of her. thanks to that, i've at least become great at cooking, cleaning, and just housekeeping in general.

i've been unhappy almost all my life. school, only some days, would make my life feel less burdensome because it was an escape from my life at home. i also had my best friend aoi who i trusted with my whole life. she's the only person who knows about my problems at home and i'm lucky to have her because she listens to my rants, and tries her best to cheer me up as much as possible.

summer was already over after graduating from junior high. i didn't mind though, because it would mean i wouldn't have to be at the house as much anymore. i would be attending karasuno high. thank god aoi was going there as well because she was really the only friend i had.


i woke up extra early the next morning to look decent for school, for once, since it was the first day. i threw on my uniform: a black skirt with a white collared long sleeve, cream colored vest, and a red bow around the neck. it was actually a pretty cute uniform, i thought to myself.

i exited the house without mom disrupting me, surprisingly. she was probably still sleeping. it wasn't a surprise to see that she didn't wake up early to send me off to school. after all, she never showed up for my junior high graduation ceremony either.

i placed one earbud in my ear and played (favorite recent song). it was a song i recently discovered and immediately became obsessed with, and now i have it on repeat.

i stopped by aoi's house before school because we planned on walking to school together. after having sent a text two minutes ago i could hear the door creak open.

"bye mom, see you later! love you too!" aoi said to her mom, as she closed the door and turned to me.

"hey (y/n)! it's been a while!" aoi said as we hugged. "ah, school shopping was so stressful!"

"yeah, it was!" i replied with a small smile. "hopefully we've got everything we need."

we continued to walk towards school. she doesn't usually ask about how things are at home, knowing i would rather not talk about it.

"aoi, did you get-" i started, but my question was interrupted by someone bumping into me.

"hey-" as i turned around, opening my mouth to tell them off, i could barely say a word before that person just continued walking forward without any single care in the world.

all i could make out from behind was that he was blonde and quite tall... maybe "quite" was an understatement.

there was a boy beside him and he spoke up almost too quietly, "tsukki-" he sighed.

 a freckled face wearing green hair turned around to aoi and i. "sorry about him..." was all he said before catching up to his tall friend.

"shut up, yamaguchi." the blonde spoke back to him.

i didn't want to say anything. i wasn't about to let this jerk ruin my day so early in the morning. "hey aoi, forget-"

"hey!" aoi yelled suddenly. "not even gonna say sorry?" 

the blonde stopped in his place but didn't even bother to turn around before a single noise could be heard coming out of his mouth. 


and then he was walking off again.

"go bump into a doorframe with that height of yours since it's so hard for you to see i guess." she mumbled under her breath.

i rolled my eyes and giggled. 

"it wasn't that big of a deal, aoi. but thank you."


we had finally arrived at school several minutes later, quickly rushing inside to see if we had class together.

maneuvering through the crowd as i followed aoi, we made it to the board containing the first-year students' names corresponding with their classroom number.

aoi was the first to sigh after spotting our separate classrooms.

i decided not to tell her how i felt, which was currently extra nervous because i didn't have class with my only friend.

after walking to my classroom, we waved each other goodbye, and aoi giving me a thumbs up. standing outside the door, i took a deep breath before entering.

opening the door, my attention was immediately caught by a certain someone-

that tall prick from this morning.

-to be continued

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